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Bob Reynolds | profile | all galleries >> A Journey of Awakening - The Spiritual Gatekeepers >> The Spiritual Gatekeepers (part 30) - Escape from the Matrix | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
February 20, 2013
There are essentially three main concepts involved in escaping from the Matrix:
1) Understand the Matrix -- Recognize the mechanisms of control, see the boundaries of the system and identify the true builders/administrators of the Matrix
2) Have a sincere desire to escape from the Matrix -- Be willing to withdraw from the broken, manipulative and addictive parts of the system
3) Seek to actively create a new and better reality -- As the old ways become obsolete (disintegration of the Matrix) seek to create a new and better reality on both the micro level (internally) and the macro level (externally)
The obstacles of escape listed below are not intended to be criticisms. Rather, they are simply the hard truths behind why the Matrix survives and how it is able to rule over us so completely and so effectively. Creating a set of comfortable lies to describe the situation or sugar-coating the information would be pointless. That would only serve to further support the existence of the Matrix.
Why the Matrix is so effective:
I imagine that some of the points expressed above will be quite unpopular...mostly because they involve certain ideas that many people would rather not think about. However, I believe that they are absolutely critical if one is going to be successful in attempting a permanent jailbreak from the Matrix (and not get subsequently sucked back into it again).
I think that I lost some readers towards the end of this series. I suppose that was to be expected. The topic of religion, spirituality and religious deities/figures is often a touchy subject. Mention God or Jesus with an alternate interpretation and you are likely to offend many Christians. Mention God or Jesus (at all) and you are likely to offend the atheists.
Although I was raised as a Christian, I don't identify with Jesus in the same way that most Christians do. Personally, I think that the most profound realizations from the teachings of Christ are found when one looks at Christ in terms of an archetype and looks at his teachings through the eyes (and ears) of metaphor and allegory.
This isn't meant to be a endorsement of Christianity, a recommendation for religion or a rebuttal of the traditional views of Jesus. Rather, it is simply meant to suggest that when we look at things primarily through the left side of the brain (literal or logical side) OR primarily through the right side of the brain (artistic or symbolic side) that we tend to develop a one-sided view (blind side) and miss out on a Greater Sight (the "Light" of awareness and understanding) that is available when viewing things through the synergy of both sides (both eyes) together.
As a result of my experiences in life (and subsequent growth), I have learned to openly embrace that which is infinitely possible and move beyond that which is presently known or popularly believed and accepted. There are many amazing experiences that await anybody who has a sincere desire to see beyond the narrowly defined imitation/counterfeit realities of the Matrix and experience a new and different world...where the only limitation is that of our own consciousness.
Reaching out for the unknown definitely involves some risks, not the least of which is that we may actually make some mistakes along the way. But don't ever let that stop you. Don't worry about what other people say (in the form of ridicule). Most of the time the ridicule that results is from those who do not have the courage to truly stand on their own and step outside of the box for themselves. When we reach for that which is at arm's length, we are confined to only that which is at arm's length. However, when we reach for the stars there is no limit to what we can do, what we can see and what we can learn.
I have put everything that I have to offer into this series...my heart, my soul, my experiences and every last resource that I have. If you have found this series (or just certain segments) to be useful, please share those links with others. I have no desire for fame, fortune or notoriety. There is no advertising on this site and there never will be. I have not made any money from the information which has been presented here. My only goal is to see the human race freed.
Tomorrow I will post the last and final segment in this series
Peace to all
Update - 4/21/13
There is a certain "art" that is involved in offering true, authentic and genuine information and communicating it in such way that it is both constructive and effective, without appearing (too) "confrontational" in the process. However, as many people have probably discovered during their own personal Journey(s) of Awakening, confrontation is simply unavoidable. In fact, it is actually an essential component of the awakening process. It is only when we dig deep within ourselves and have the courage to confront the status quo and our own internal/external "demons" that the true awakening process actually begins to take root.
True awakening is by no means a pretty process. In fact, it is often quite ugly at first. It is somewhat analogous to being jolted awake early in the morning after a long night of partying. Those who attempt to wake up such slumbering hungover people are likely to be met with some colorful adjectives as the sleeper attempts to cling to the comfort of their bed and shield their eyes from the incoming light (and their ears from the sound of an unwelcome wake-up call).
Upon initially waking up, the groggy hungover sleeper will likely be a little cranky and their gait will perhaps a bit unsteady as the hangover begins to fully take effect. Eventually, the headache and queasiness will subside and they will slowly become more awake and alert (and usually less hostile). Years later, such awakened individuals will probably attempt to communicate to others some of the hazards of partying all night when you have to go to work early the next day. Of course many will ignore such information, for it seems that we all have to learn these things on our own. This is how I have learned many of the most valuable lessons in my life and I suspect that is probably true for others as well. Experience really is the best teacher of all.
Everybody has their own style of writing and communicating. One of my goals in this series was to try and share some of my personal experiences (and mistakes) in the hopes that they might provide some valuable insight to others who are embarking (or continuing) on their own Journey of Awakening. Each of us is on a different path, therefore each of our journeys are likely to be quite different. However, there are some common threads that are typically shared by all those that choose to walk the path: 1) A desire to break free from virtual reality, and 2) A desire to recognize the true nature of our environment (existence) and who we are as human beings and as individuals. An initial examination of these two concepts often helps to create the jolt (shock) that is needed to begin the awakening process for many people. After that initial jolt/shock, each individual awakening process typically branches out into many different/unique areas (based on what each individual soul is here to learn).
Those who have attempted to walk the path of the "teacher" will probably agree that perhaps the most difficult aspect of pursuing such an undertaking is knowing when to communicate various ideas in a very direct manner (that encourages true awakening) and when to take a step back and interject the right amount of love, encouragement and compassion. It's a very fine line. Most of us have walked this path at some point in our lives as parents, spouses, friends, family members, etc. Perhaps the greatest challenge in playing the part of the "teacher" is to truly know oneself (always be willing to reflect back on our own lessons/experiences) and try not to be offended by the inevitable defensive reactions (or unpleasant comments) which are quite often issued by others as they confront various false realities and their own hidden inner-demons (which may have been locked away for many years).
Many of us have been here before, on both the transmitting end, and on the receiving end. These teacher/student and student/teacher experiences, in particular, are very important because they involve so many aspects of who we are. As such, these experiences and lessons often repeat themselves many times throughout our lives. Just as we begin to think that we have become truly awakened, we usually encounter something new (or old) that reminds us that there is so much more to learn about ourselves, who we are and what this experience we call being "human" and living on "earth" is all about. Perhaps one of the greatest realizations of the journey is to recognize that we are always, and will forever be, both the teacher and the student, simultaneously.
I suppose that this was a rather long-winded way of saying that some of the original content in this segment was communicated in perhaps a less than ideal way. I have edited the content a little so that hopefully it still remains authentic, direct and effective (not watered down) but also offers a more visible layer/level of encouragement and compassion as well.
Peace to all
Image Above: View from the Matrix
Image Above: Printed digital circuits
Image Above: Circuit pathways
Image Above: The Maze - Which way is out?
Image Above: The World Wide Web
*More images in the gallery below*
The Battle Between the Light and the Dark
The Glossary - Definitions of Terms and Concepts
The Hierarchy of Ignorance and Awareness
The Invasion ("aliens" among us)
The Church of Awareness and Understanding
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
Numbers, Paths and Destinations
Resistance is not Futile (and Understanding is not Elusive)
The Virtues and Sins of Religion
The Discernment of Creation - Part I
The Discernment of Creation - Part II
Unified Theory of Spirituality, UFOs,
Aliens and the Paranormal
The Bending and the Breaking of Will
Cross Roads (the cross of change)
Earth is a Prison/University and
the Human Race are its Inmates/Students
Communicating with Nature and Creation
Corrupted Realities - Satanic
Influence in Our Society
A complete index of all segments in this series
can be found here:
The most recent posts in this series
can be found here:
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noname | 17-Dec-2015 22:38 | |
Bob Reynolds | 30-Apr-2014 04:20 | |
Guest | 27-Apr-2014 02:19 | |