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Olympus DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C66 Urban Details by Marc (Cynops) >> C66 Exhibition Gallery > edit image
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Radu Gruian

Near-Death Experience - Radu Gruian

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Carlo 28-Sep-2007 18:06
Like something from the Twilight Zone. This is a fun photo trying to figure out how you did this. Very interesting.
Guest 28-Sep-2007 17:40
Fantastic hikey !

Shirley Haden28-Sep-2007 13:59
Now, now! Don't get all bent out of shape! HA! Really like what you've done with this Radu.
Miroslav Kral 28-Sep-2007 08:26
Nice picture, interesting effect, but I don't want to go there for a years from now:-))