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Olympus DSLR Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C125 Be Square! by Stefan >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

C125 Competition | C125 Exhibition | C125 Originals

C125 Competition

This gallery is for images taken by you with a Olympus dSLR camera during the entry period.

You can enter up to 3 images in this gallery.

Images: 750 pixels and 200kB (+10%) max (see Rules on Entering Images);
Photoshop 'Save As' to keep EXIF data, try image quality 8 or less;
'Save As' preview file size is only an estimate, so please check file size after saving.

Include image name and your name in the title
eg My Ranch by JR Ewing.

Include EXIF data (or text) to show image date and camera make/model (and basic camera settings).

The winner of voting for this gallery will be the Moderator for the next Challenge.

Any image with a title that starts with '+ ' contains a related image in its caption and/or the Originals Gallery.
1st: Silhouette-Shirley
1st: Silhouette-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
2nd: Rubik  -  FrankM
2nd: Rubik - FrankM
3rd: Kayt in the box  - Colin
3rd: Kayt in the box - Colin
4th: A gaze to the world - by endika
4th: A gaze to the world - by endika
5th (tie): Pottery chess - by endika
5th (tie): Pottery chess - by endika
5th (tie): MFT  -  FrankM
5th (tie): MFT - FrankM
Square pegs -ArtP
Square pegs -ArtP
by ArtP
42 Lbs. -ArtP
42 Lbs. -ArtP
by ArtP
Master unlocked -ArtP
Master unlocked -ArtP
by ArtP
Nest of light - by endika
Nest of light - by endika
Haiti on my Mind - Stefan
Haiti on my Mind - Stefan
Pines in a Row-Shirley
Pines in a Row-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
Ribbons by Marimontse
Ribbons by Marimontse
Fruity by Marimontse
Fruity by Marimontse
Chrome 1, Alistair
Chrome 1, Alistair
Chrome 3, Alistair
Chrome 3, Alistair
Chequered Lady  -  FrankM
Chequered Lady - FrankM
Rocks on the rock - Goffen
Rocks on the rock - Goffen
The lighthouse on the rock - Goffen
The lighthouse on the rock - Goffen
Comic Theater - Stefan
Comic Theater - Stefan
oil n water - brent
oil n water - brent
condensation - brent
condensation - brent
Serene Square - BigScooter
Serene Square - BigScooter
Square on a Stick - BigScooter
Square on a Stick - BigScooter
Dream Square - BigScooter
Dream Square - BigScooter
View of Kilimanjaro - Kleivis
View of Kilimanjaro - Kleivis
by kleivis
Predatorgasm - Kleivis
Predatorgasm - Kleivis
by kleivis
Outta my way! - Brenda
Outta my way! - Brenda
curiosity killed the... - Catman
curiosity killed the... - Catman
Rebecca - Colin
Rebecca - Colin
cup n light - brent
cup n light - brent
Winter in the Netherlands - Geophoto
Winter in the Netherlands - Geophoto
The Woodcutters. Alistair
The Woodcutters. Alistair
Roxy having a bad hair day - Colin
Roxy having a bad hair day - Colin
Tunnel - Stefan
Tunnel - Stefan
hoar frost sunrise - brenda
hoar frost sunrise - brenda
King of colours - Kleivis
King of colours - Kleivis
by kleivis
by Shirley Haden
anthurium - brenda
anthurium - brenda
Byfjorden - Goffen
Byfjorden - Goffen
coat of arms - Catman
coat of arms - Catman
Intimidation - Claus
Intimidation - Claus
New Hat - Claus
New Hat - Claus
Placeholder - Do Not Vote
Placeholder - Do Not Vote
Placeholder - Do Not Vote
Placeholder - Do Not Vote