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Olympus DSLR Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C106: Unidentified In Color by JJakober >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

c106 Competition | C106 Exhibition | C106 Originals

c106 Competition

This gallery is for images taken by you with a Olympus dSLR camera during the entry period.

You can enter up to 3 images in this gallery.

Images: 800 pixels (+10%) and 200kB max (see Rules on Entering Images);
Photoshop 'Save As' to keep EXIF data, try image quality 8 or less;
'Save As' preview file size is only an estimate, so please check file size after saving.

Include image name and your name in the title
eg My Ranch by JR Ewing.

Include EXIF data (or text) to show image date and camera make/model (and basic camera settings).

The winner of voting for this gallery will be the Moderator for the next Challenge.

Any image with a title that starts with '+ ' contains a related image in its caption and/or the Originals Gallery.
1st place - c106 Unidentified in Color -sharps - brent
1st place - c106 Unidentified in Color -sharps - brent
2nd - The heart on fire - Marimontse
2nd - The heart on fire - Marimontse
3rd - Primary - Colin
3rd - Primary - Colin
4th - Spring - Bruce
4th - Spring - Bruce
5th (tie) April showers - Colin
5th (tie) April showers - Colin
5th (tie) Squish, Alistair
5th (tie) Squish, Alistair
Placeholder, do not vote
Placeholder, do not vote
Red N White -ArtP
Red N White -ArtP
by ArtP
After Lartigue - Bruce
After Lartigue - Bruce
Soaring - Bruce
Soaring - Bruce
abstraction 5 - brent
abstraction 5 - brent
by the water - brent
by the water - brent
+ Threads? -ArtP
+ Threads? -ArtP
by ArtP
Monitor, camera and I - Miro
Monitor, camera and I - Miro
Lemon Tea, Alistair
Lemon Tea, Alistair
Nose Ticklers? - Shirley
Nose Ticklers? - Shirley
by Shirley Haden
40 - Tom
40 - Tom
Taggin' - Tom
Taggin' - Tom
Leviathan - Stefan
Leviathan - Stefan
Forms - Stefan
Forms - Stefan
mosaic - brenda
mosaic - brenda
Identified without colour, Alistair
Identified without colour, Alistair
feed me! - brenda
feed me! - brenda
flamin'!       katherine
flamin'! katherine
Bunker - Goffen
Bunker - Goffen
Pixelpeeping - Goffen
Pixelpeeping - Goffen
Rouge orange - Marc (Cynops)
Rouge orange - Marc (Cynops)
Merging - Marc (Cynops)
Merging - Marc (Cynops)
Illusion - Marc (Cynops)
Illusion - Marc (Cynops)
Arcs - Stefan
Arcs - Stefan
Bailey's Bubble -Shirley
Bailey's Bubble -Shirley
by Shirley Haden
the pause that refreshes - Catman
the pause that refreshes - Catman
Strange juice - Miro
Strange juice - Miro
The Cuckoo's Egg - Colin
The Cuckoo's Egg - Colin
A Tisket A Tasket-Shirley
A Tisket A Tasket-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
Yellow --- OaklandWoody
Yellow --- OaklandWoody
wet - Catman
wet - Catman
Swirls -ArtP
Swirls -ArtP
by ArtP
Hm...?  - Miro
Hm...? - Miro
Concentric - BarryRS
Concentric - BarryRS
Up! - by endika
Up! - by endika
One in the crowd - by endika
One in the crowd - by endika
Inner or outer by Dennis
Inner or outer by Dennis
A dozen in line - BarryRS
A dozen in line - BarryRS
Inside view - BarryRS
Inside view - BarryRS
Through the glass - Marimontse
Through the glass - Marimontse
Daisy - Marimontse
Daisy - Marimontse
Light in motion - Kleivis
Light in motion - Kleivis
by kleivis
Light through glass - Kleivis
Light through glass - Kleivis
by kleivis
Orange and blue - Christa (cnb)
Orange and blue - Christa (cnb)
Starting 2 Grate on Me I - jjakober
Starting 2 Grate on Me I - jjakober
Starting 2 Grate on Me II - jjakober
Starting 2 Grate on Me II - jjakober
Starting 2 Grate on Me III - jjakober
Starting 2 Grate on Me III - jjakober
Green Blades --- OaklandWoody
Green Blades --- OaklandWoody
Star-burst --- OaklandWoody
Star-burst --- OaklandWoody
Happy Birthday - Mark
Happy Birthday - Mark
UFO? by Dennis
UFO? by Dennis
Smooth - Jarred
Smooth - Jarred
Twirl by Dennis
Twirl by Dennis
How much is that puddy in the window? - Brenda
How much is that puddy in the window? - Brenda
Across the Big Divide
Across the Big Divide
A Trail of Sorts
A Trail of Sorts
soft sounds of sand    katherine
soft sounds of sand katherine
The ladder - Goffen
The ladder - Goffen
Closed - Do Not Vote
Closed - Do Not Vote