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Ole Thorsen | profile | all galleries >> Birds and other animals (updated:2014-10-06) >> Garden & Forest Birds - One gallery for each bird (updated:2014-10-06) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bird Favourites | Garden & Forest Birds - One gallery for each bird (updated:2014-10-06) | Garden & Forest Birds (updated:2008-10-22) | Waterfowls (updated:2008-07-08) | Sea & Shore Birds (updated:2008-07-08) | Herons (updated:2008-07-08) | Birds of Prey (updated:2008-09-13) | Other Animals (updated:2008-09-19)

Garden & Forest Birds - One gallery for each bird (updated:2014-10-06)

Of all the birds I photograph, I love these small birds in my backyard the most. They give me pleasure every day, singing from the early morning sunrise until sunset with a variety of voices. Even though the most pictures in this gallery is from my backyard, it's not easy to photograph them. They are very shy, and I have to take all the pictures from a hide or sneak the lens out through an open window. They seldom sit still for a moment, so you really have to be quick to capture them.

Due to the volume of photos in the Gardens & Forest Birds gallery, I have added this alphabetically sorted gallery with a separate gallery for each of the 39 different birds, if you're only interested in specific birds. I have also included a short description of each bird's characteristics.

Barn Swallow (Landsvale / Hirundo rustica) (updated:2005-09-03)
:: Barn Swallow (Landsvale / Hirundo rustica) (updated:2005-09-03) ::
Blackbird (Solsort / Turdus merula) (updated:2007-06-04)
:: Blackbird (Solsort / Turdus merula) (updated:2007-06-04) ::
Blackcap (Munk / Sylvia atricapilla) (updated:2007-04-23)
:: Blackcap (Munk / Sylvia atricapilla) (updated:2007-04-23) ::
Blue tit (Blåmejse / Cyanistes caeruleus) (updated:2014-10-06)
:: Blue tit (Blåmejse / Cyanistes caeruleus) (updated:2014-10-06) ::
Brambling (Kvækerfinke / Fringilla montifringilla) (updated:2008-10-22)
:: Brambling (Kvækerfinke / Fringilla montifringilla) (updated:2008-10-22) ::
Bullfinch (Dompap, Pyrrhula Pyrrhula) (updated:2008-06-25)
:: Bullfinch (Dompap, Pyrrhula Pyrrhula) (updated:2008-06-25) ::
Chaffinch (Bogfinke / Fringilla coelebs) (updated:2008-10-22)
:: Chaffinch (Bogfinke / Fringilla coelebs) (updated:2008-10-22) ::
Chiffchaff (Gransanger / Phylloscopus collybita) (updated:2008-10-22)
:: Chiffchaff (Gransanger / Phylloscopus collybita) (updated:2008-10-22) ::
Coal tit (Sortmejse / Periparus ater) (updated:2008-09-21)
:: Coal tit (Sortmejse / Periparus ater) (updated:2008-09-21) ::
Collared dove (Tyrkerdue / Streptopelia decaocto) (updated:2014-10-06)
:: Collared dove (Tyrkerdue / Streptopelia decaocto) (updated:2014-10-06) ::
Dunnock (Jernspurv / Prunella modularis) (updated:2007-07-02)
:: Dunnock (Jernspurv / Prunella modularis) (updated:2007-07-02) ::
Goldcrest (Fuglekonge / Regulus regulus) (updated:2008-10-22)
:: Goldcrest (Fuglekonge / Regulus regulus) (updated:2008-10-22) ::
Goldfinch (Stillits / Carduelis carduelis) (updated:2008-06-17)
:: Goldfinch (Stillits / Carduelis carduelis) (updated:2008-06-17) ::
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Stor Flagspætte / Dendrocopos major) (updated:2008-09-14)
:: Great Spotted Woodpecker (Stor Flagspætte / Dendrocopos major) (updated:2008-09-14) ::
Great Tit (Musvit / Parus major) (updated:2014-10-06)
:: Great Tit (Musvit / Parus major) (updated:2014-10-06) ::
Greenfinch (Grønirisk / Carduelis chloris) (updated:2008-10-22)
:: Greenfinch (Grønirisk / Carduelis chloris) (updated:2008-10-22) ::
House Sparrow (Gråspurv / Passer domesticus) (updated:2014-10-06)
:: House Sparrow (Gråspurv / Passer domesticus) (updated:2014-10-06) ::
Icterine warbler (Gulbug / Hippolais icterina) (updated:2007-06-25)
:: Icterine warbler (Gulbug / Hippolais icterina) (updated:2007-06-25) ::
Jackdaw (Allike / Corvus monedula) (updated:2007-05-01)
:: Jackdaw (Allike / Corvus monedula) (updated:2007-05-01) ::
Lesser Redpoll (Lille Gråsisken / Carduelis cabaret) (updated:2006-05-10)
:: Lesser Redpoll (Lille Gråsisken / Carduelis cabaret) (updated:2006-05-10) ::
Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger / Sylvia curruca) (updated:2008-09-14)
:: Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger / Sylvia curruca) (updated:2008-09-14) ::
Linnet (Tornirisk / Carduelis cannabina) (updated:2007-04-22)
:: Linnet (Tornirisk / Carduelis cannabina) (updated:2007-04-22) ::
Marsh tit (Sumpmejse / Poecile palustris) (updated:2014-10-06)
:: Marsh tit (Sumpmejse / Poecile palustris) (updated:2014-10-06) ::
Nuthatch (Spætmejse / Sitta europaea caesia) (updated:2005-11-09)
:: Nuthatch (Spætmejse / Sitta europaea caesia) (updated:2005-11-09) ::
Pheasant (Fasan / Phasianus colchicus) (updated:2006-04-16)
:: Pheasant (Fasan / Phasianus colchicus) (updated:2006-04-16) ::
Pied Wagtail (Hvid vipstjert / Motacilla alba) (updated:2005-09-21)
:: Pied Wagtail (Hvid vipstjert / Motacilla alba) (updated:2005-09-21) ::
Robin (Rødhals / Erithacus rubecula) (updated:2008-09-19)
:: Robin (Rødhals / Erithacus rubecula) (updated:2008-09-19) ::
Siskin (Grønsisken / Carduelis spinus) (updated:2007-03-20)
:: Siskin (Grønsisken / Carduelis spinus) (updated:2007-03-20) ::
Starling (Stær / Sturnus vulgaris) (updated:2008-10-22)
:: Starling (Stær / Sturnus vulgaris) (updated:2008-10-22) ::
Treecreeper (Træløber / Certhia familiaris) (updated:2005-11-27)
:: Treecreeper (Træløber / Certhia familiaris) (updated:2005-11-27) ::
Tree Pipit (Skovpiber / Anthus trivialis) (updated:2008-09-21)
:: Tree Pipit (Skovpiber / Anthus trivialis) (updated:2008-09-21) ::
Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv / Passer montanus) (updated:2008-09-27)
:: Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv / Passer montanus) (updated:2008-09-27) ::
Waxwing (Silkehale / Bombycilla garrulus) (updated:2005-12-17)
:: Waxwing (Silkehale / Bombycilla garrulus) (updated:2005-12-17) ::
Wheatear (Stenpikker / Oenanthe oenanthe) (updated:2005-10-15)
:: Wheatear (Stenpikker / Oenanthe oenanthe) (updated:2005-10-15) ::
Whitethroat (Tornsanger / Sylvia communis) (updated:2005-07-27)
:: Whitethroat (Tornsanger / Sylvia communis) (updated:2005-07-27) ::
Willow warbler (Løvsanger / Phylloscopus trochilus) (updated:2008-08-26)
:: Willow warbler (Løvsanger / Phylloscopus trochilus) (updated:2008-08-26) ::
Winter Wren (Gærdesmutte / Troglodytes troglodytes) (updated:2008-09-27)
:: Winter Wren (Gærdesmutte / Troglodytes troglodytes) (updated:2008-09-27) ::
Wood Pigeon (Ringdue / Columba palumbus) (updated:2008-05-18)
:: Wood Pigeon (Ringdue / Columba palumbus) (updated:2008-05-18) ::
Yellowhammer (Gulspurv / Emberiza citrinella) (updated:2007-06-28)
:: Yellowhammer (Gulspurv / Emberiza citrinella) (updated:2007-06-28) ::