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Liverpool 2007

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LIPA Staircase.jpg
LIPA Staircase.jpg
LIPA Entrance.jpg
LIPA Entrance.jpg
Passage between LIPA and Art College.jpg
Passage between LIPA and Art College.jpg
Liverpool Institute.jpg
Liverpool Institute.jpg
Art College and A Case History.jpg
Art College and A Case History.jpg
A Case History.jpg
A Case History.jpg
3 Gambier Terrace.jpg
3 Gambier Terrace.jpg
Elderly People.jpg
Elderly People.jpg
Ye Cracke.jpg
Ye Cracke.jpg
The Phil.jpg
The Phil.jpg
Penny Lane Barber.jpg
Penny Lane Barber.jpg
Phil's Men's Loo.JPG
Phil's Men's Loo.JPG
Shelter in the Middle of the Roundabout.jpg
Shelter in the Middle of the Roundabout.jpg
Liver Building.jpg
Liver Building.jpg
Liver Bird.jpg
Liver Bird.jpg
Town Hall Dome.jpg
Town Hall Dome.jpg
Town Hall.jpg
Town Hall.jpg
Street Carnival.jpg
Street Carnival.jpg
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