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Ross Alford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, Australia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, Australia

Hinchinbrook Island is a very large island close to the coast of Queensland. It is in the tropics, and has a wide variety of environments, from crocodile-filled mangrove swamps with 30+ mangrove species on the landward side, through savanna, vine forest, and dunes, to beautiful swimming beaches and freshwater wetlands on the east coast, and rainforest-covered mountains. There is a ca. 35 km walking track, the Thorsborne Trail, aong part of the eastern coast; only about 40 people are permitted to be on the trail at once, and most take 3-5 days to complete it. A truly spectacular place, and one I am lucky to spend time at. Images in this gallery also appear in other galleries on my site, but because Hinchinbrook is so inspiring, I wanted to make it possible to see them all in one place, too.
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dead leaf raindrops hinchinbrook  island_DSC2788 sand pattern hinchinbrook  island_DSC2863 Nina Peak from Nina Bay beach, early morning u003301 holey shell black sand hinchinbrook  island_DSC2950
hinchinbrook  island black sand ripples_DSC3049 hinchinbrook  island black sand ripples_DSC3063 hinchinbrook  island black sand ripples _DSC3047 hinchinbrook  island crab star_DSC3080
The sand remembers the waves_DSC3820 Reflecting pool with paperbark and pandanus _DSC3707 mangrove sand and shadowDSC3678 Littoral Skink, Cryptoblepharus littoralis, Hinchinbrook Island (_DSC3813)
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