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Nina Ludwig | all galleries >> Galleries >> Windows of the World > Pernes les Fontaines, Provence
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Pernes les Fontaines, Provence


Canon EOS 5D
1/200s f/5.0 at 88.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets22-Sep-2009 05:31
Nice placement in frame and great details & textures in brick/stone. Nice exposure and such a wonderful and unusual window! Great find, love this shot!!!~
lou_rozensteins12-Sep-2009 23:21
Very nice light and textures. Well done.
Patricia Kay12-Sep-2009 20:09
Beautiful shot Nina...Love the shape of the window and the textures in the stone...BV
alexeig12-Sep-2009 19:25
Eternal theme very well captured ...
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad12-Sep-2009 16:12
A wonderful architectural detail. It has seen a lot of weather over the years, as you can see by the erosion of the stone.