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13 November - Cazi's day...

... knew those flowers would come in handy for a few days worth of PAD's!!
Today's shot is dedicated to my lovely friend Cazi! Have a great birthday!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
royalld13-Nov-2008 22:51
Happy Birthday, Cazi.
laine8217-Nov-2007 06:02
A belated happy birthday Cazi !! Love the flowers too.
Greg Harp15-Nov-2007 04:37
A belated happy birthday--and a terrific macro.
carol j. phipps15-Nov-2007 00:46
Happy birthday!
John Beck14-Nov-2007 09:56
Wow! What an attractive photo.
Dave Wixx14-Nov-2007 06:52
Excellent dof, colour and tones.
And a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me.
Sheila14-Nov-2007 04:23
What a gorgeous tribute!
Cindi Smith14-Nov-2007 02:33
What a beautiful gift for Cazi. Happy Birthday, Caz! Hope it was a special one!
Guest 14-Nov-2007 02:21
Outstanding! What a great gift! V
Guest 13-Nov-2007 22:37
Good friends are priceless
Faye White13-Nov-2007 22:22
J. Scott Coile13-Nov-2007 21:29
Sounds like it was a good one. Sweet offering!
Zak13-Nov-2007 20:32
Happy Birthday Cazi!
Victoria13-Nov-2007 20:12
This is beautiful !!!!Wonderful!!!!Happy Birthday Cazi
Guest 13-Nov-2007 19:56
A very fine image and a great tribute to the Birthday Girl!
Johnny JAG13-Nov-2007 19:42
Lovely, happy birthday Cazi.
JW13-Nov-2007 18:58
Superb macro and what a nice tribute to our wonderful friend!
beverley harrison13-Nov-2007 18:56
whoooo what a blast from the past!! love the memories love sharing time with you two too!!
happpppy birrrthhhhhday!! wheres the cake?!!
Jola Dziubinska13-Nov-2007 18:53
Beautiful B-day card, very elegant and sensual.
Carole Stevens13-Nov-2007 18:43
OMG this is lovely Nicky what a surprise, thank you so much for all these piks, I remember each one of them, such fun and laughs when were all together, oh and coffee and cakeys!
Ray :)13-Nov-2007 17:56
What a gal!
Fine use of recycling ;-)
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