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30-AUG-2007 © Nicky Thurgar

30 August - TITC "Luck" "Find a Penny...."

Am spending the day/night/day at my sister's house in Wimbledon...
and funny how I'd given up on a "luck" PAD for today & resigned myself to not doing one...
then we got back to the house & my son found a shiny penny in the grass!
There was an old saying (and I'm embarassed to admit that it was an old chat up line
of mine because my surname used to be "Penny"!!)

"Find a Penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck"
ROFL!! Erm, sorry.....!!!

And I'm so lucky that I was able to hook my Panny up to my sister's PC and download my pic...
even if I couldn't process it without the software I've got at home!!

Others finding luck today can be seen in the forum here

My previous Thursday Challenges can be viewed here

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3
1/30s f/3.3 at 4.6mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chris31-Aug-2007 19:53
I'm sure you didn't keep turning up like a bad Penny, did you Nicky? Chris ;)
Guest 31-Aug-2007 18:30
you are lucky! nice find
Shayne31-Aug-2007 13:35
well done Nicky
mojoflowerchick31-Aug-2007 11:09
nice shiney one... great shot..
sue anne31-Aug-2007 01:40
Very nice and good 'lucky' one for your son to find it. :)
Laryl31-Aug-2007 00:13
good entry!
Alida Thorpe31-Aug-2007 00:05
Great shot!
Cindi Smith30-Aug-2007 23:48
Okay, we both found pennies! Great minds think alike!
Sheila30-Aug-2007 23:31
Maybe your luck has change.
Guest 30-Aug-2007 22:24
295 more and you could buy a gallon of gas here, today
Phillip Normanton30-Aug-2007 22:23
Well they do say "look after the pennies..."
Hate to think what you got called at skool! lol
Dan Chusid30-Aug-2007 21:53
That probably marked the spot where the treasure was buried!
Ann...30-Aug-2007 21:24
After reading some of these comments I'll just say - Great find and a great shot Nicky!!! :)))
Maaike Huizer30-Aug-2007 21:06
Save it for the day you need it
Dr. Michael G. Mathews30-Aug-2007 20:59
Great entry
Guest 30-Aug-2007 20:31
If you hadn't seen it, would that be a case of "miss money Penny" ...?
Nancy Lobaugh30-Aug-2007 20:16
I like it... good story too! Did your son get to keep the penny?
Guest 30-Aug-2007 19:35
What a great find and a great chatup line,Nicky!!Lucky date,too!:o))
Johnny JAG30-Aug-2007 19:09
Nice one Miss Moneypenny.
Jola Dziubinska30-Aug-2007 19:08
Penny for your thoughts...what will good luck bring to you :)
Azlin Ahmad30-Aug-2007 18:47
Won't go into corny jokes about coining a phrase ... :)
royalld30-Aug-2007 18:33
Nice find. At least three of us had the same kind of day.
Well shot.
Zak30-Aug-2007 18:24
rich bugga
Scott Browne30-Aug-2007 18:24
Nice! Love the shine. Good shot.
laine8230-Aug-2007 18:21
I hope it works Ms Money Penny !!
Ray :)30-Aug-2007 18:21
You have a good eye for pennies with your Panny, Miss Penny!
JW30-Aug-2007 18:21
Hope there was no 'Penny-pinching' after you used the chat up line!! LOL Be lucky!
Lee Rudd30-Aug-2007 18:12
ahhhhhhh the drinks are on you :)
Carole Stevens30-Aug-2007 18:08
Great find Nicky quick do a lotto tonight..!
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