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Nick Vivian | all galleries >> Galleries >> Magic Moments > I am smokin a faaaaag
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I am smokin a faaaaag

Lamu Island, Kenya

Canon EOS 10D
1/180s f/6.7 at 135.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Susan Rovira26-Oct-2010 03:43
OK now I get it.
Andres Sanchez04-Oct-2010 02:50
congrats on being selected Third Place in the 172nd Show and Tell Contest!
Markus Grompe14-Feb-2008 18:44
good one! very unusual...
Guest 22-Apr-2007 09:59
Guest 28-Feb-2007 09:15
you're a lucky man ! ;)
Guest 21-Feb-2007 01:16
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa great
Gervan01-Dec-2006 17:40
Very creative. v.
Lisa03-Aug-2006 23:29
Oh! Please tell me the title is said by that repulsive Kathy Burke character?!
Ha! Excellent...I love it!
marita toftgard10-May-2006 11:26
so funny...
and poor crab...
getting used to smoking...
can't be easy to do under water...;-))

ocean 27-Apr-2006 05:11
Guest 22-Apr-2006 19:03
nicotine can make you crabby
Luís Pereira22-Apr-2006 19:00
This is... fabulous!
This one is my FAV.
me jimmy 19-Apr-2006 15:09
hi dude that made this picture hi to all the homes and houses to
courtney 19-Apr-2006 15:08
how did u get him to hold the smoke its wonder how u do that:)
Stuart Peterson23-Mar-2006 18:31
Wow - Tough to keep 'em lit.
Margot W23-Mar-2006 16:43
So that is how the crab got to be the symbol CANCER. ;)
Fantastic shots.
ruthemily20-Mar-2006 19:35
Guest 19-Mar-2006 23:08
haha WOW!
Guest 19-Mar-2006 20:59
hee.. that's brilliant. bad crab!
Graham Tomlin19-Mar-2006 19:29
that cant be healthy, or easy!.
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