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Susan Hagan | Allan and Eileen Sutherland | John and Carole | Rachel Gawith | Karen Fox

Susan Hagan

For the last 30 years Susan Hagan was a practising Aromatherapist, Ayurvedic and Bowen Practitioner and Teacher. She also taught many Post-Graduate courses in the field of Complementary Medicine. She was the International Chair of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists from 2002 to 2005 and sat on the Committee for National Occupational Standards for Ayurveda. She trained in Ayurvedic medicine between 1968 and 1981 whilst resident in Nepal, where she met and married the eldest son of Boris Lissanevitch, the famous host of the 300 Club in Calcutta, the Royal Hotel and the Yak and Yeti Hotel in Kathmandu. An experienced tour leader she still leads regular tours to Nepal, India and Bulgaria. She now lives in Bulgaria where she is building her own earthen house and restoring the exisiting property. She organises a yearly internship programme for people wishing to learn how to live sustainable and self-sufficient lives. For details please contact

Mongolian yurt
:: Mongolian yurt ::
Susan's adobe home
:: Susan's adobe home ::
The vicinity of Susan's home
:: The vicinity of Susan's home ::