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Nikola Gruev | profile | all galleries >> Bulgaria >> Bulgarian mountains >> Rila mountain >> Borovets tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The road to Maliovitsa | Hotel Maliovitsa - Maliovitsa Inn (Хотел Мальовица - Хижа Мальовица) | Maliovitsa Inn - Lake Strachno (Хижа Мальовица - Страшното езеро) | Lake Strachno - Hotel Maliovitsa (Страшното езеро - Хотел Мальовица) | Borovets | On Borovets for a day (February 14, 2016) | Panitchichte / Паничище | Rilski Ezera Hut (Rila Lakes Hut) | Hotel Bor and Hija Semkovo, Semkovo


Borovets is a summer and winter resort, but mostly winter. It is approximately one hour drive from Sofia (70km), in the Rila mountain, at approximately 1300m elevation above sea level. It is very popular with the British, as well as with other western europeans. It has quite a few hotels and private villas turned into hotels for the winter. The largest and best situated, overlooking the ski slopes, is hotel Rila, from where some of the pictures have been taken.
Borovets - winter
:: Borovets - winter ::
Borovets - summer
:: Borovets - summer ::
Tsarska Bistritsa (Tsar's Bistritsa)
:: Tsarska Bistritsa (Tsar's Bistritsa) ::