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Ken Buckle28-Nov-2022 21:50
Hi - just came across you Norway Road Trips. Unless I've missed it I can't see the route for each trip. Please could you let me know. Regards Ken
Hongchao 18-Oct-2012 06:30
Great pics. Follow your post from Hope see more your photos in the future. :)
Cristy Maldonado 06-Aug-2011 23:05
Hi netliuying,

Your fall foliage pics of Western Massachusetts are amazing! I am a freelance blogger writing a short guide to fall foliage in MA on behalf of CBS. I'm writing to request permission to use some of your photos of foliage in Western Massachusetts within the guide. Photo credit would be given to your images to denote that they belong to you. The article is slated for publication on 10/15/2011.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Best Regards,

Cristy Maldonado
Guest 26-Feb-2011 20:54
you certainly know how to use a camera. the galleries are of good quality.
netliuying28-Jul-2009 16:12
For night in LV, I use Tv mode and set the shuttle speed as 1/6 second, ISO 800. The camera K100d itself has 'Shake Reduction' function so I didn't use tripod.
Jian Huang 27-Jul-2009 22:34
hi, I saw your pics about yellowstone and Las vegas on Huaren. The pics are wonderful. Could you tell me the parameters of the pics for night LV?

Guest 08-Oct-2007 20:26
Nice Gallery