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Ned & Sara | profile | all galleries >> World travel >> Spain >> Ronda to Madrid tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Seville to Marbella | Ronda to Madrid | Barcelona to Figueres

Ronda to Madrid

es R-R-R-R-Ronda ! the new bridge  (18 century) the ronda countryside patio view - house of bosco
ladies wearing their finest mantillas on their way to procession another beautiful mantilla doorway and entryway
the ronda bullring gate to the bullring tiled stairway at the bullring ronda's main plaza
horses in a field of poppies another view of the gorge and one more rose garden
moorish arch - the alhambra alhambra arch colorful arch detail nasrid arch
arches another arch view ceiling detail almost unbelievable
the alhambra gardens kids are kids all over the world olive trees, olive trees, olive trees, olive trees, olive trees... window reflections
bull fight poster night view of the mezquita the mezquita arch in the mezquita
a few mezquita columns 36 of the mezquita columns tapas time ! Toro Toro !
tio pepe poppies and olive trees the windmills of la mancha newly planted fields
alternate la mancha windmills classic view of toledo arches of toledo cathedral toledo armor, sword  and knife shop window
cervantes overlooking don quixote and sancho panza plaza mayor royal palace of madrid eating outside - the norm
spanish guitarist most unusual outdoor fountain a madrid landmark flowers on the paseo del prado
restaurant on the paseo del prado the post office (no kidding) street scene with flower baskets ham, ham, everywhere a ham, ham
the famous tio pepe sign train station interior you gotta watch all directions on these ! parque de madrid
the boat lake crystal palace