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Jean D | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dominica -1- > Domestic Feline
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Domestic Feline


This cat appeared domestic and was roaming on a hiking trail in the rainforest.It was obviously lethargic and malnourished, when examining the flanks to the hips. The frontal view sure looks quite normal! It was photographed once it had returned to a sheltered visitor's area, nearby.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Marcia Colelli23-Apr-2019 16:32
Great portrait with nice pose and details. V
Frank Tran13-Dec-2012 06:12
Cute!!! V+
XiaoBernard9902-Jan-2011 05:30
Il semble bien calme,il a fumé un joint (normal là bas....:o))
Bien cadré et interessant.
January Grey14-Jun-2009 03:57
A nice portrait of this sweet kitty, Jean. V~
Eric Carrère09-Apr-2007 06:56
C'est une belle photo malgré tout Jean, V.
marie-jose wolff09-Apr-2007 04:32
il beau, malgré les conditions dans lesquelles il a vécu!
flowsnow09-Apr-2007 03:35
Though of his condition you still captured it well. Doesn't look like what you described!