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Robert F. | profile | all galleries >> Model Train Photography >> 2006-2011 Western Prototype Modeling Meets >> 2007 Western Prototype Modeler's Meet tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2007 Western Prototype Modeler's Meet

182 images from the October 6, 2007 WPM Meet in La Habra, CA. Sorry if I didn't take a picture of everything (again, gotta leave shtuff for Hussey & Wong). It appears I may have screwed up my f-stop during the meet as a number of these photos are seriously lacking in their depth of field. Sorry 'bout that. If you see your model and have any corrections or comments, please feel free to contact me. Enjoy!

All images are Copyright by Robert Forsstrom and may not be reused without my permission, but linking to this site is acceptable.

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Harry Wong's photos:
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The view.
The view.
HO-scale Free-Mo LA setup
HO-scale Free-Mo LA setup
A second view. Plus the manufacturers tables.
A second view. Plus the manufacturers tables.
39 MRL diesel Locomotives. Models by Robby F.
39 MRL diesel Locomotives. Models by Robby F.
Fantasy MRL SD45T-2s. Models by Robby F.
Fantasy MRL SD45T-2s. Models by Robby F.
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by David Giglio
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Models by Chris Butts
Models by Chris Butts
Models by Dan Risdon
Models by Dan Risdon
Models by Dan Risdon
Models by Dan Risdon
Models by Dan Risdon
Models by Dan Risdon
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Paul Ellis
Models by Paul Ellis
Models by Paul Ellis
Models by Paul Ellis
Models by Harry Wong
Models by Harry Wong
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Ken Edmier
Models by Ken Edmier
Models by Scott Bates
Models by Scott Bates
Models by Scott Bates
Models by Scott Bates
Models by Scott Bates
Models by Scott Bates
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Models by Dave Werner
Models by Dave Werner
Models by Dave Werner
Models by Dave Werner
Models by Terry Wegmann
Models by Terry Wegmann
Models by Terry Wegmann
Models by Terry Wegmann
Models by Terry Wegmann
Models by Terry Wegmann
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Models by Lee Christopher
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Models by Lee Christopher
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Models by Lee Christopher
Models by Lee Christopher
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Models by Lee Christopher
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Models by Larry Olsen
Models by Larry Olsen
Models by Larry Olsen
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Models by Scott Pitzer
Models by Scott Pitzer
Models by Scott Pitzer
Models by Scott Pitzer
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Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
Models by Thom Anderson
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Models by Dave Pires
Models by Jay Styron
Models by Jay Styron
Models by Jay Styron
Models by Jay Styron
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Models by Jay Styron
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Models by Tim Costello
Models by Tim Costello
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Models by Tim Costello
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Models by Rick Selby
Models by Rick Selby
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Models by Butch Eyler
Models by Butch Eyler
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
Models by Jim Fuhrman
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Models by Elizabeth Allen
Models by Elizabeth Allen
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
Models by Dave Hussey
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NEW Athearn Products - SD60M
NEW Athearn Products - SD60M
NEW Athearn Products - Maxi-I
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NEW Athearn Products - MP15AC
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Model by Eric Sander
Model by Eric Sander
Model by Eric Sander
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Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by Robby F. (Mr. MRL)
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
Model by John Goodard
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Models by Tom Bacarella
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Models by Noah Kuehnast
Models by Noah Kuehnast
Models by Noah Kuehnast
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Models by Gary Cane
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Models by Gary Cane
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N-scale layout
N-scale layout
N-scale layout
N-scale layout
N-scale layout
N-scale layout
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Ed Ryan
Models by Wayne Barnhart
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Models by Wayne Barnhart
Models by Wayne Barnhart
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N-scale Models by Dan Kanikubo
N-scale Models by Dan Kanikubo
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
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N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
N-scale Models by Henry Baez
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N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Joe Gartman
N-scale Models by Chuck Short
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N-scale Models by Chuck Short
N-scale Models by Chuck Short
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N-scale Models by Chuck Short
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Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
Models by Randy Hano
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Models by Jack Koltaj
Models by Jack Koltaj
HO Free-MO LA Setup
HO Free-MO LA Setup
HO Free-MO LA Setup
HO Free-MO LA Setup
20 years of SP 7556, Models by Elizabeth Allen & Robby F.
20 years of SP 7556, Models by Elizabeth Allen & Robby F.
20 years of SP 7556, Models by Elizabeth Allen & Robby F.
20 years of SP 7556, Models by Elizabeth Allen & Robby F.
20 years of SP 7556, Models by Elizabeth Allen & Robby F.
20 years of SP 7556, Models by Elizabeth Allen & Robby F.
Ed Perley
Ed Perley
Ed Perley
Ed Perley
Ed Perley
Ed Perley
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