Nice pictures, Mr. Yu. By the way, I am just curious to know why do many Chinese people like to have Western first names? Do Western names make them proud and power? A very good friend of mine is a Chinese, he is going to become a U.S citizen this coming months. He came to ask me one day what would be a good Western first name for him? I simply told him to keep his original Chinese first name, I personally like his first name very much. He's been in the States for about 6 years now, but his English is still heavy with Chinese accent. I come to think, Gee, what if I changed my name to Yao Ming Brown, and I could barely speak Chinese with heavy English accent, would the Chinese people laugh at me, especially when they heard a Caucasian man with Chinese name speaking Mandarin with heavy English accent? I also found that the majority of the Japanese, Korean and much of other Asian ethnics in the U.S hold to their native names, even if they were born here and English is actually their native language. Their names do have meaning just like many Chinese names do, and some of the names are very hard to pronounce it right, yet many stick with their native names, and I think they are proud of their names.