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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Panama >> Santa Fe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Santa Fe

The Panamerican Highway
The Panamerican Highway
Waiting to flag down a bus
Waiting to flag down a bus
Mountain views
Mountain views
Ooo, looks inviting
Ooo, looks inviting
Hotel garden
Hotel garden
Chilling on a Sunday afternoon
Chilling on a Sunday afternoon
Hotel garden
Hotel garden
Our hotel
Our hotel
Steep road
Steep road
Rio Bulaba
Rio Bulaba
Peter's ready to go
Peter's ready to go
So is Jackie
So is Jackie
First bridge
First bridge
Time for a break
Time for a break
Great fun
Great fun
Floating down the river
Floating down the river
Hey, we've got to get out here...that was the second bridge
Hey, we've got to get out here...that was the second bridge
Needed a waterproof camera
Needed a waterproof camera
Soaring bird
Soaring bird