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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> South America >> Bolivia >> Tiahuanaco tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Akapana Pyramidmostly buried
Akapana Pyramid
mostly buried
Some has been unearthed
Some has been unearthed
Base level and drainage hole
Base level and drainage hole
Most has been destroyed
Most has been destroyed
<<< Kalasasaya Temple ...
<<< Kalasasaya Temple ...
... a solstice observatory >>>
... a solstice observatory >>>
Corner stone aligns with the sun on June 21st
Corner stone aligns with the sun on June 21st
Excellent stonework
Excellent stonework
Gateway to the Kalasasaya Temple
Gateway to the Kalasasaya Temple
The moon through the gateway
The moon through the gateway
Kalasasaya Temple and the Semi-subterranean Temple
Kalasasaya Temple and the Semi-subterranean Temple
Stones tied with metal clamps
Stones tied with metal clamps
Semi-subterranean Temple
Semi-subterranean Temple
Monoliths in the Semi-subterranean Temple
Monoliths in the Semi-subterranean Temple
Carved Faces
Carved Faces
Lots of carved faces
Lots of carved faces
Semi-subterranean Temple
Semi-subterranean Temple
Ponce monolith
Ponce monolith
Ponce monolith
Ponce monolith
Gateway of the Sun
Gateway of the Sun
Sun god
Sun god
Largest monolith
Largest monolith
Carved pieces
Carved pieces
Carved pieces
Carved pieces
Carved pieces
Carved pieces
Deformed skulls indicate high rank
Deformed skulls indicate high rank
What a status symbol!
What a status symbol!