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Quepos - Manuel Antonio National Park

Marina Pez Vela - Quepos
Marina Pez Vela - Quepos
At the marina - need a cold beer
At the marina - need a cold beer
Iguana on the Quepos seafront
Iguana on the Quepos seafront
Iguana and waves
Iguana and waves
Iguana basking in the sun
Iguana basking in the sun
Playa Espadilla - Manuel Antonio
Playa Espadilla - Manuel Antonio
Playa Espadilla - surfs up
Playa Espadilla - surfs up
Playa Espadilla
Playa Espadilla
Loungers for the day
Loungers for the day
Queue to get into PN Manuel Antonio
Queue to get into PN Manuel Antonio
It takes over an hour to get into the park
It takes over an hour to get into the park
Little spotted deer
Little spotted deer
Spotted deer
Spotted deer
Playa Espadilla Sur
Playa Espadilla Sur
Empty early in the morning
Empty early in the morning
Playa Espadilla Sur
Playa Espadilla Sur
Industrious crab
Industrious crab
Look out little crabs - it's a crab eating raccoon
Look out little crabs - it's a crab eating raccoon
View from Punta Catedral - Pacific Ocean
View from Punta Catedral - Pacific Ocean
Looking out for humpback whales
Looking out for humpback whales
Mantled howler monkey
Mantled howler monkey
Mantled howler monkey
Mantled howler monkey
Spikey trunk
Spikey trunk
Playa Manuel Antonio  and Turtle Trap
Playa Manuel Antonio and Turtle Trap
White-faced capuchin monkey & baby
White-faced capuchin monkey & baby
Hanging around with my buddy
Hanging around with my buddy
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
Playa Manuel Antonio - gets busy
Playa Manuel Antonio - gets busy
Fiery-billed toucan (aracari)
Fiery-billed toucan (aracari)
Fiery-billed toucan
Fiery-billed toucan
Fiery-billed toucan
Fiery-billed toucan