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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Panama >> Panama City tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Panama City

Out towards the Pacific
Out towards the Pacific
Locks control building
Locks control building
Through the final lock
Through the final lock
Heavy rain
Heavy rain
Big ship ready to be lowered
Big ship ready to be lowered
Mules returning to the next ship
Mules returning to the next ship
Pier construction vessel
Pier construction vessel
Model of a Glasgow built dredge
Model of a Glasgow built dredge
Model of an early mule
Model of an early "mule"
Mercado de Mariscos
Mercado de Mariscos
Panama City skyline
Panama City skyline
Casco Viejo from the Cinta Costera
Casco Viejo from the Cinta Costera
Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Three buildings at different stages of restoration
Three buildings at different stages of restoration
Iglesia de San Jose's golden altar
Iglesia de San Jose's golden altar
Colourful doorway
Colourful doorway
Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Pelicans and cormorants
Pelicans and cormorants
Panama City skyline
Panama City skyline
Casco Viejo - trendy restaurant
Casco Viejo - trendy restaurant
Catedral Metropolitana
Catedral Metropolitana
Palacio Municipal
Palacio Municipal
View from our hotel room
View from our hotel room
Modern skyscrapers
Modern skyscrapers
View from the causeway - ship coming from the canal
View from the causeway - ship coming from the canal
Panama City skyline
Panama City skyline
Bio Museum
Bio Museum
Bio Museum
Bio Museum
Old style buses
Old style buses
Lined up at Albrook bus terminal
Lined up at Albrook bus terminal
Colourfully painted with big exhaust pipes
Colourfully painted with big exhaust pipes
Bio Museum
Bio Museum
Bridge of the Americas
Bridge of the Americas
Causeway - good for upright joggers
Causeway - good for upright joggers
Our first sloth
Our first sloth
Hanging sloth
Hanging sloth
Just a bundle of fur
Just a bundle of fur
Frog peeking out
Frog peeking out
Wee frog
Wee frog
Tree frog
Tree frog
Poison dart frog?
Poison dart frog?