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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> Asia >> Mongolia >> Miscellaneous Fun tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Miscellaneous Fun

Chinese/Mongolian border
Chinese/Mongolian border
A pretty desolate place
A pretty desolate place
Our Chinese travel companions
Our Chinese travel companions
Mongolian salute at the border
Mongolian salute at the border
Soldiers along the track
Soldiers along the track
Big hat
Big hat
Noodles for dinner
Noodles for dinner
Welcome to Mongolia
Welcome to Mongolia
Our first gers
Our first gers
Real Scottish Irn Bru
Real Scottish Irn Bru
Chinngis Beer
Chinngis Beer
More beer
More beer
Group piccie in the Yol Valley
Group piccie in the Yol Valley
Inside the bus
Inside the bus
Pete - I think!
Pete - I think!
Robbie gets a new hair-piece
Robbie gets a new hair-piece
Group piccie in Jalman Meadows
Group piccie in Jalman Meadows
Sandy took the photos!
Sandy took the photos!
Metre of beer
Metre of beer
Hannelore & Bob
Hannelore & Bob
Tom & Matt (sorry it's a bit fuzzy)
Tom & Matt (sorry it's a bit fuzzy)
Good dark beer
Good dark beer
Live band sings in English
Live band sings in English
Yak crew
Yak crew