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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Costa Rica >> La Fortuna tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

La Fortuna

Baldi Hot Springs
Baldi Hot Springs
25 thermal pools
25 thermal pools
Varying temperatures
Varying temperatures
Swim up bars
Swim up bars
Jackie at the bar
Jackie at the bar
Cocktails anyone?
Cocktails anyone?
Pete in the cool pool
Pete in the cool pool
Jackie on the slide
Jackie on the slide
Pete in the party pool
Pete in the party pool
Volcan Arenal
Volcan Arenal
Strawberry poison dart frog
Strawberry poison dart frog
Butterfly flight house
Butterfly flight house
Tiger butterfly
Tiger butterfly
Newly emerged  and drying its wings
Newly emerged and drying its wings
Tractor to take us up the hill
Tractor to take us up the hill
Ready for ziplining at Volcan Arenal
Ready for ziplining at Volcan Arenal
Looking down on the first zipline
Looking down on the first zipline
Through the canopy
Through the canopy
Here comes Pete
Here comes Pete
Here comes Jackie
Here comes Jackie
Stopped short and had to pull herself to the end
Stopped short and had to pull herself to the end
Zipline passing White Pine Waterfall
Zipline passing White Pine Waterfall
Great fun
Great fun
Even Pete smiles
Even Pete smiles
Never too old for ziplining
Never too old for ziplining
Pete whizzing along
Pete whizzing along
Walking to another zipline
Walking to another zipline
Braked too hard and legs up above the line!
Braked too hard and legs up above the line!
Spot the zipliner
Spot the zipliner
We survived
We survived
Pete on the drum at the Maleku village
Pete on the drum at the Maleku village
Hike down to La Fortuna waterfall
Hike down to La Fortuna waterfall
Across a hanging bridge
Across a hanging bridge
La Fortuna waterfall
La Fortuna waterfall
Enjoying a cool dip at the bottom of the falls
Enjoying a cool dip at the bottom of the falls
Hike around PN Volcan Arenal
Hike around PN Volcan Arenal
Related to the turkey
Related to the turkey
Eyelash pit viper
Eyelash pit viper
Beautiful coloured birds
Beautiful coloured birds
Stunning colour
Stunning colour
Deep blue berries
Deep blue berries
Red-eyed tree frogs
Red-eyed tree frogs
Red-eyed tree frog
Red-eyed tree frog
Red-eyed tree frog
Red-eyed tree frog
On the move
On the move
Love these guys
Love these guys
Rainbow eucalyptus
Rainbow eucalyptus
Waterfall - anyone for a swim?
Waterfall - anyone for a swim?
Pretty waterfall
Pretty waterfall
Tarantula sleeping in a hole in a tree
Tarantula sleeping in a hole in a tree
Orange kneed tarantula
Orange kneed tarantula
Orb spider
Orb spider
Anteater in the tree
Anteater in the tree
Yellow breasted bird
Yellow breasted bird
Lava rocks
Lava rocks
On the lava rock field
On the lava rock field
Lava rocks
Lava rocks
Lava rocks
Lava rocks
Volcan Arenal - see the old lava flows?
Volcan Arenal - see the old lava flows?
Old lava flows
Old lava flows
Locals hot spring and then a homemade mud pack
Locals hot spring and then a homemade mud pack
Too much sun?
Too much sun?
No, mud applied by our guide
No, mud applied by our guide