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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Guatemala >> Nebaj tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Parque Principal
Parque Principal
Iglesia de Nebaj
Iglesia de Nebaj
Inside the church
Inside the church
San Rafael and a big knife in his head (?)
San Rafael and a big knife in his head (?)
Looking across to Parque Principal
Looking across to Parque Principal
Sunday morning chat
Sunday morning chat
Ixil Maya ladies in their red skirts
Ixil Maya ladies in their red skirts
Beautiful clothing and pom poms on her headdress
Beautiful clothing and pom poms on her headdress
Livestock market
Livestock market
Sarah & Darry in local attire
Sarah & Darry in local attire
Lovely headdress
Lovely headdress
Costumes used for local ceremonies
Costumes used for local ceremonies
Some dress as the Spanish and some as the Moors
Some dress as the Spanish and some as the Moors
The devil
The devil
Very elaborate
Very elaborate
Pete regretted this freakshake
Pete regretted this freakshake
Colourful cemetry
Colourful cemetry
Graves of those killed in the civil war
Graves of those killed in the civil war
Hike to Acul - steep and hot
Hike to Acul - steep and hot
This local carrying firewood makes it look easy
This local carrying firewood makes it look easy
Beautiful view
Beautiful view
Church in Acul
Church in Acul
Red skirts on the washing line
Red skirts on the washing line
Hacienda Mil Amores - a welcome lunch after our hike
Hacienda Mil Amores - a welcome lunch after our hike
Looking down onto the hacienda and the village of Acul
Looking down onto the hacienda and the village of Acul
Back strap weaving
Back strap weaving