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Peter & Jackie Main | profile | all galleries >> World Galleries >> North & Central America >> Guatemala >> Antigua tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Catedral de Santiago
Catedral de Santiago
Los Remedios
Los Remedios
Iglesia de San Francisco
Iglesia de San Francisco
Iglesia y Convento de Nuestra Senora de la Merced
Iglesia y Convento de Nuestra Senora de la Merced
Beautifully decorated on the outside
Beautifully decorated on the outside
La Merced
La Merced
La Merced
La Merced
Building restored after an earthquake
Building restored after an earthquake
Hermano Pedro - hospital and church (?)
Hermano Pedro - hospital and church (?)
Antigua Colegio de la Compania de Jesus
Antigua Colegio de la Compania de Jesus
Iglesia de la Escuela de Cristo
Iglesia de la Escuela de Cristo
Iglesia de la Escuela de Cristo
Iglesia de la Escuela de Cristo
Iglesia de la Escuela de Cristo
Iglesia de la Escuela de Cristo
Colonnaded walkway
Colonnaded walkway
Shops and cafes
Shops and cafes
Palacio del Ayuntamiento
Palacio del Ayuntamiento
Palacio del Ayuntamiento
Palacio del Ayuntamiento
Colonnaded walkway - old printers used to be here
Colonnaded walkway - old printers used to be here
Fountain in Parque Central
Fountain in Parque Central
Arco de Santa Catalina
Arco de Santa Catalina
Arco de Santa Catalina
Arco de Santa Catalina
Colourful houses
Colourful houses
Fresh orange juice anyone?
Fresh orange juice anyone?
Tanque de la Union - washing still done here
Tanque de la Union - washing still done here
Pretty buildings with cobbled streets
Pretty buildings with cobbled streets
Lion doorway
Lion doorway
Old wooden door and window grills
Old wooden door and window grills
Beautiful building
Beautiful building
More cute buildings
More cute buildings
Little manicured squares
Little manicured squares
Colourful dress
Colourful dress
Lady selling souvenirs
Lady selling souvenirs
Inviting market stall
Inviting market stall
We found a craft brewery - good beers
We found a craft brewery - good beers
Couldn't resist this
Couldn't resist this
Bus station
Bus station
Big grill
Big grill
Great colours
Great colours
Our hotel - like a row of Antiguan houses
Our hotel - like a row of Antiguan houses
Our hotel - inner courtyards
Our hotel - inner courtyards
Our hotel gardens
Our hotel gardens
From our hotel we can see Volcan Fuego puffing away
From our hotel we can see Volcan Fuego puffing away
Volcan Fuego
Volcan Fuego