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Ruth Moorhead | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sagebrush Steppe Habitats tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Sagebrush Steppe Habitats

There are fine books written about the plants of the Sagebrush Steppe, and equally fine ones about the people
of the Sagebrush. As a result, there are probably billions of images, too. Yes, we need those images, lest we believe
that we have seen it all, because the Steppe is so unpredictable, so varied, as to be almost indefinable.
We might find it interrupted by a river, a reservoir, a system of dunes, or a forest of juniper, mountain-mahogany, or aspen...
...but when we get to the other side of that, we're back, usually, to sagebrush.

How odd is it, then, to notice that practically none of these images is of sagebrush?
Not at all...these are what's between. These are what you don't see when you think you're looking at sagebrush!

Can you tell I've enjoyed being here?

In November of 2011, my sagebrush steppe photos (more than the ones shown here) were featured during the First Friday Art Walk
in Pocatello, Idaho, by the Sagebrush Steppe Regional Land Trust office. We used four electronic screens, each running
a continuous slideshow of images from Bannock and adjacent counties.

I would probably get into some horrific copyright fracas if I posted a photo of it, but there used to be a magnificent Sagebrush Steppe
interpretive sign that was part of a Great Basin display at the Hwy. 26 rest stop between the Idaho Nuclear Lab and Arco, Idaho.

Lewis's Flax
Lewis's Flax
Something on Every Inch
Something on Every Inch
Standing tall--even though it isn't!
Standing tall--even though it isn't!
Arrayed on Snow
Arrayed on Snow
A Lively Assemblage
A Lively Assemblage
Mountains South of Pocatello
Mountains South of Pocatello
Chinese Peak from Kirkham Trail
Chinese Peak from Kirkham Trail
Sumac in Bloom
Sumac in Bloom
Starvation Cholla...Obviously Not Starving
Starvation Cholla...Obviously Not Starving
Holding On Until Spring
Holding On Until Spring
g3/11/419411/3/122893859.gdgazyhy.jpg g3/11/419411/3/122893860.yaxepsQy.jpg g3/11/419411/3/122893861.zWDwSIQK.jpg Indian Paintbrush
Indian Paintbrush
Black Hawthorn
Black Hawthorn
South from Kirkham Trailhead
South from Kirkham Trailhead
A Prickly Pear That's Soon to Bloom
A Prickly Pear That's Soon to Bloom
Ready for Summer
Ready for Summer
Early Morning in Early July
Early Morning in Early July
Just Up from West Center Street
Just Up from West Center Street
Scout Mountain from Chinese Peak
Scout Mountain from Chinese Peak
Mertensia sp.
Mertensia sp.
Celebration Park
Celebration Park
Lichens in the Crevices
Lichens in the Crevices
Pictograph Trail
Pictograph Trail
Canyon Wren Cliff
Canyon Wren Cliff
Marching Artemesia
Marching Artemesia
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
View to Snake River
View to Snake River
Some of it isn't cheatgrass
Some of it isn't cheatgrass
Campground You Can't See
Campground You Can't See
Up the Trail into Summer
Up the Trail into Summer
g4/11/419411/3/102728030.tBShIxwZ.jpg g3/11/419411/3/102728140.PTkdoHPY.jpg
g3/11/419411/3/102728204.0jJirHuU.jpg g3/11/419411/3/102728375.dUiZDSjz.jpg g3/11/419411/3/102728395.cDokybzs.jpg Lemonade Sumac
Lemonade Sumac
Snake River Welcomes Morning
Snake River Welcomes Morning
Blazing-star Mentzelia
Blazing-star Mentzelia
Snake River View
Snake River View
Trying for a Yin / Yang
Trying for a Yin / Yang
Western Clematis
Western Clematis
Shoshone Falls Coming into View
Shoshone Falls Coming into View
Above Shoshone Falls
Above Shoshone Falls
Physalis sp. in flower
Physalis sp. in flower
Basalt Stairsteps
Basalt Stairsteps
Golden Currant
Golden Currant
Lichen-covered Sagebrush
Lichen-covered Sagebrush
Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary
Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary
Springtime Sunrise on the Reservoir
Springtime Sunrise on the Reservoir
Little People's Playground
Little People's Playground
Goodenough Canyon
Goodenough Canyon
Salmon River Backdrop
Salmon River Backdrop
Spent Wyethia
Spent Wyethia
Pocatello's Southern Hills
Pocatello's Southern Hills
Last Year's Leftovers
Last Year's Leftovers
View East from Coldwater Rest Area
View East from Coldwater Rest Area
Cutleaf Filaree
Cutleaf Filaree
Desert Evening-primrose
Desert Evening-primrose
g3/11/419411/3/124814272.FEabRJEB.jpg Climbing toward Dawn
Climbing toward Dawn
g1/11/419411/3/112107001.TMySNpHE.jpg The Long View
The Long View
Dune from a Distance
Dune from a Distance
Not a Rattler
Not a Rattler
Sagebrush Shadows, Late Afternoon
Sagebrush Shadows, Late Afternoon
At Home on the Range
At Home on the Range
From the Buchanan Rest Area
From the Buchanan Rest Area
Almost to the Mountains
Almost to the Mountains
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Sagebrush and Fence
Sagebrush and Fence
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
A Buckwheat
A Buckwheat
Mimulus Path
Mimulus Path
Phacelia sp.
Phacelia sp.
McTucker Area
McTucker Area
Willow Bay Watercolor
Willow Bay Watercolor
Milkweed Seed Pods
Milkweed Seed Pods
An  Erigeron, or Fleabane
An Erigeron, or Fleabane
g1/11/419411/3/118092450.0sak8SeQ.jpg g1/11/419411/3/106419093.vRYDxn71.jpg
Pocatello Hills Through Window
Pocatello Hills Through Window
High Life in Low Light
High Life in Low Light
Springtime on Red Hill
Springtime on Red Hill
Stephens Performing Arts Center
Stephens Performing Arts Center
Pocatello's Watershed
Pocatello's Watershed
g1/11/419411/3/106418926.Ayyolb8O.jpg g1/11/419411/3/106418885.Uc4dr4uV.jpg g1/11/419411/3/106418935.WUKRtxzb.jpg City Creek Trail
City Creek Trail
Above the trail
Above the trail
Black Hawthorn
Black Hawthorn
Oval Leaf Buckwheat
Oval Leaf Buckwheat
Snowline Recession
Snowline Recession
The Far Edge of Winter
The Far Edge of Winter
Snow Life With Stone
Snow Life With Stone
Western Hills, from Ridgecrest Apts.
Western Hills, from Ridgecrest Apts.
Sagebrush and Blown Snow
Sagebrush and Blown Snow
Wind Sculpting
Wind Sculpting
Snow and Wind at Work
Snow and Wind at Work
g3/11/419411/3/125262861.vDXGSVr2.jpg g3/11/419411/3/125357870.fGkEF2LX.jpg View of Scout Mountain
View of Scout Mountain
Low Light, High Drama
Low Light, High Drama
Northern end of Deep Creek Mountains
Northern end of Deep Creek Mountains
Hot Spring area, Hart Mt Antelope Refuge
Hot Spring area, Hart Mt Antelope Refuge
South Putnam Mountain
South Putnam Mountain
Snake River from the Rim Trail
Snake River from the Rim Trail
Coyotes were singing, across the river
Coyotes were singing, across the river
A Snake River Sunset
A Snake River Sunset
Great Basin Big Sagebrush
Great Basin Big Sagebrush
Cholla at the Top
Cholla at the Top
Between City and Cusick Creeks
Between City and Cusick Creeks
g1/11/419411/3/130112706.serOytyI.jpg g1/11/419411/3/130112707.eNG5M10V.jpg Toward Kinport Peak
Toward Kinport Peak
Southeast from Pocatello's Western Hills
Southeast from Pocatello's Western Hills
Last Rays on Portneuf Range
Last Rays on Portneuf Range
g1/11/419411/3/130335962.6F09sDcb.jpg g1/11/419411/3/132486663.Wjv1gBI8.jpg g4/11/419411/3/132634073.PS7f0l46.jpg Windblown Grasses in Ephemeral Pool
Windblown Grasses in Ephemeral Pool
Spent Artemesia by Snowmelt Pool
Spent Artemesia by Snowmelt Pool
Bannock Range
Bannock Range
g4/11/419411/3/133154251.rExi1S43.jpg g4/11/419411/3/134681503.HHp615r2.jpg g4/11/419411/3/134681504.PAUG99S7.jpg g4/11/419411/3/134681506.cdbKfByO.jpg
Hiking trail around Dierke's Lake
Hiking trail around Dierke's Lake
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
g4/11/419411/3/135281562.lwHmP3Yi.jpg Foothills Death-camas
Foothills Death-camas
g4/11/419411/3/136289862.ITpsoIBC.jpg g4/11/419411/3/136346674.mNdxFgj6.jpg
g4/11/419411/3/136347493.ehRnkH3x.jpg g4/11/419411/3/138180602.A5imynDk.jpg g4/11/419411/3/138340624.rGasWLmp.jpg g4/11/419411/3/140902776.WCetsfur.jpg This will be gone
This will be gone
Summer Sunset, Looking Toward Chinese Peak
Summer Sunset, Looking Toward Chinese Peak
g4/11/419411/3/142560696.fbdWxLNF.jpg g4/11/419411/3/142560698.jsSCcaJX.jpg Rough Wallflower
Rough Wallflower
g4/11/419411/3/143958512.26SOVlKa.jpg Rolling Pin Cloud
Rolling Pin Cloud
g4/11/419411/3/145052434.CozmrCfG.jpg Mt. Callaghan? from Campground
Mt. Callaghan? from Campground
g9/11/419411/3/151263786.opi9lCTG.jpg Red Paint!
Red Paint!
Sagebrush on South 5th Avenue
Sagebrush on South 5th Avenue
Portneuf Range
Portneuf Range
g9/11/419411/3/154024081.6FirWfxR.jpg We Still Have Some of the Views
We Still Have Some of the Views
Single Sagebrush Buttercup
Single Sagebrush Buttercup
Sheep Bridge
Sheep Bridge
Sage Guards the City
Sage Guards the City
g9/11/419411/3/156320781.SvUaAHon.jpg What More Lovely Campsite?
What More Lovely Campsite?
g9/11/419411/3/156320793.ZfdCv8kl.jpg View over Island
View over Island
g9/11/419411/3/156320897.hujT3Wsj.jpg g9/11/419411/3/157855959.mCv5fUBg.jpg
g9/11/419411/3/157855960.YYUrmrNQ.jpg Chilly Times on Willow Bay
Chilly Times on Willow Bay
Portneuf Range
Portneuf Range
Sagebrush Asana
Sagebrush Asana
Ascending Bloomington Canyon
Ascending Bloomington Canyon
Garden Creek's Beginnings
Garden Creek's Beginnings
Lost River Range
Lost River Range
g9/11/419411/3/160008125.gd4VMc2g.jpg Beckoning the Pioneer Range
Beckoning the Pioneer Range
g9/11/419411/3/160327423.1nSou5xt.jpg Three Sisters
Three Sisters
Mount Shasta
Mount Shasta
g9/11/419411/3/159887461.ZzKE9Ewd.jpg g9/11/419411/3/161035975.jCuErby4.jpg Downriver from Duck Point
Downriver from Duck Point
Our View Southward up Cherry Creek
Our View Southward up Cherry Creek
A Sea of Sagebrush
A Sea of Sagebrush
Heading for Smith Lake
Heading for Smith Lake
g9/11/419411/3/164025624.UKskbjdo.jpg g9/11/419411/3/164027251.IGmgOyXn.jpg g9/11/419411/3/164027250.tOTlOcXl.jpg A View from the Picnic Area
A View from the Picnic Area