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Chris Spracklen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites by hit count (3,000-33,000+) > Gardens, Baddesley Clinton (6973)
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Chris Spracklen

Gardens, Baddesley Clinton (6973)

Baddesley Clinton, Knowle, Warwickshire

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 09-May-2005 10:19
Hi Chris

Thought I recognised the all is well? As a recent viewer of this site your comments would be gratefuly received.

You manage to get a great color and contrast balance in all your shots and I would really appreciate a chat to see how you have achieved this as I believe you use the same camera as myself the D70.

Cheers for now

Guest 29-Apr-2004 08:03
Excellent! Real framing material. I bet this would sell in large quantities!
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