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Public Art in Philadelphia

Inspired by, and to assist, Chris Purdom's site, Philadelphia Public Art
For brief information on Fairmount Park sculpture, see the Philadelphia Parks Alliance's "complete inventory."
The Fairmount Park Art Association has indexes by artist and subject, and a map
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Union League1046
Union League
Gray Reserves2769
Gray Reserves
City Hall & Love Park Reynolds, the Civil War general, at City Hall
City Hall & Love Park Reynolds, the Civil War general, at City Hall
Another view of General John F Reynolds5706
Another view of General John F Reynolds
Benjamin Franklin - Craftsman
Benjamin Franklin - Craftsman
Government of the People
Government of the People
Former mayor FrankRizzo
Former mayor FrankRizzo
Benj.Franklin Pkwy Francisco de Miranda2464
Benj.Franklin Pkwy Francisco de Miranda
Logan Square Isadora
Logan Square Isadora
Sweet Magnolias #3
Sweet Magnolias #3
Sweet Magnolias
Sweet Magnolias
Sweet Magnolias #2
Sweet Magnolias #2
Galusha Pennypacker
Galusha Pennypacker
Galusha Pennypacker
Galusha Pennypacker
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