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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> Galleries >> amphibians > Moor frog Rana arvalis plavček_MG_6326-1.jpg
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Moor frog Rana arvalis plavček_MG_6326-1.jpg

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)21-Mar-2011 18:21
My fave! BV
Guest 21-Sep-2009 10:06
Thanks for the comment!
This picture is very beautiful!!
Just waouou
Eléa model
Bruno Lombard05-Sep-2009 10:38
Superb ! gorgeous colours !!
anuschka01-Dec-2008 22:39
Guest 24-Sep-2008 18:36
Great shot
Guest 13-Jul-2008 04:05
He almost looks like he's smiling! V
rollosphotos19-Mar-2008 13:34
Interesting species. I have read the male frog turn this color blue only for a few days a year. Wonderful capture, thanks for sharing.
Hank Vander Velde19-Mar-2008 13:05
Beautifu, almost metallic composition, of this image Milan. V.
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