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Mike Lentz Nature Photography | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Diego, CA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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San Diego, CA

La Jolla Palms at sunset
La Jolla Palms at sunset
Cabrillo National Monument
Cabrillo National Monument
Surfers silhouette
Surfers silhouette
Mission Beach Roller Coaster
Mission Beach Roller Coaster
La Jolla tide pools
La Jolla tide pools
Pelican close up
Pelican close up
San Diego harbor
San Diego harbor
Childrens beach in La Jolla
Childrens beach in La Jolla
The sands of time
The sands of time
Shelter Island sailboats (San Diego, CA)
Shelter Island sailboats (San Diego, CA)
Balboa Parks Botanical garden
Balboa Parks Botanical garden
Wipeout Beach in La Jolla
Wipeout Beach in La Jolla
La Jolla tree silhouette
La Jolla tree silhouette
Sea Lion in surf
Sea Lion in surf
US Grant bldg
US Grant bldg
San Diego city skyline pano
San Diego city skyline pano
Whispy waters (La Jolla cove)
Whispy waters (La Jolla cove)
Oceanside Beach sunset
Oceanside Beach sunset
Lower Pt. Loma lighhouse water
Lower Pt. Loma lighhouse water
Sea Lion at La Jolla
Sea Lion at La Jolla
Balboa park saxaphone man
Balboa park saxaphone man
Balboa Theatre
Balboa Theatre
Spreckles theatre
Spreckles theatre
pelican broadside
pelican broadside
Willet (basic plumage)
Willet (basic plumage)
Pelican against surf wall
Pelican against surf wall
Point Loma Lighthouse
Point Loma Lighthouse
Moon over palms
Moon over palms