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Michael Bellamy | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chile - August 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Chile - August 2004

Some photos from my recent observing trip to Chile.
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2004_0824_183143.JPG 2004_0824_183156.JPG 2004_0824_183637.JPG 2004_0824_183645.JPG
2004_0824_183653.JPG 2004_0824_184048.JPG A good night's observing awaits.

A good night's observing awaits.

2004_0824_184225.JPG One of the ickle mountain foxes. I was quite lucky to see a few of these.

One of the ickle mountain foxes. I was quite lucky to see a few of these.

Not a bad photo if you consider the low light conditions and the fact that these foxes are incredibly timid.

Not a bad photo if you consider the low light conditions and the fact that these foxes are incredibly timid.

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