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Michal Leszczynski | profile | all galleries >> Archeological Festivals in Biskupin >> 15th Archaeological Festival at Biskupin - The Pole, Hungarian – Two Good Friends tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

15th Archaeological Festival at Biskupin - The Pole, Hungarian – Two Good Friends

On 19-27 September Biskupin hosted the 15th Archaeological Festival. There were
presentations of battles and sword fights of a group of Hungarian noblemen of the 17th century,
a show of horseman riding, bow arrow shooting and depictions of the battle between Magyars and
European knights as well as presentations of everyday life in a Magyar battle camp.

Archaeological Festival in Biskupin was dedicated to the lively and magnificent Hungarian culture.
The festival’s motto “The Pole, Hungarian – Two Good Friends” matched a well-known saying, best
reflecting the sincere fondness of both nations towards each other. The rich history of the land
over the Tisza River, the Danube and the Balaton Lake was presented at the exhibition of the Dari
Museum in Debreczyn. The Magyars, who came to the Hungarian lowlands from Ural to establish their
own state in the 10th century with the Arpad dynasty and their first king Stephen the 1st, were
represented by groups of warriors armed with curved blades (prototype swords) and bows and a fully
equipped yurt tent. Against the Magyars, who battled across Europe reaching as far as France in
the 11th century, stood early mediaeval knights. Craftspeople demonstrated their skills in making
vivid carpets, bags, caps and jackets made of wool felted on the spot. Other crafts included pot
makers, black smiths and leather artisa.

I have created few sub-galleries here:

Hungarian Culture,
Crafts on Festival,
Skirmishes - including: Bow arrow shooting, Dzhigit, Tournaments of Archers and Depictions of the battle between Magyars and European knights,
Portrait gallery - People of Festival,
Landscapes, sunrises and sunsets at Biskupin's Lake.
Hungarian Culture
:: Hungarian Culture ::
Crafts on Festival
:: Crafts on Festival ::
:: Skirmishes ::
People of Festival - Portraits gallery
:: People of Festival - Portraits gallery ::
Landscapes, sunrises and sunsets at Biskupin's Lake
:: Landscapes, sunrises and sunsets at Biskupin's Lake ::
Random photos from festival
:: Random photos from festival ::