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Michael Shpuntov | all galleries >> Small Things >> 100 x 100 > A Bit of Whitening ?
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A Bit of Whitening ?

Canon EOS 30D
1/40s f/6.3 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Antonio Ruggiero11-Apr-2008 13:32
Very pretty compo.....Bravo..V
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography30-Jan-2008 14:43
very nice macro,Michael
Robert Charity26-Jan-2008 04:19
nice one, v
Guest 23-Jan-2008 12:53
Lovely whitening macro, I can feel the effect :) V
laine8222-Jan-2008 20:34
Your too good !! Focus is brilliant !!
Barry S Moore22-Jan-2008 11:52
Makes claening the teeth look fun.
Sheila22-Jan-2008 03:09
Excellent macro!
Guest 22-Jan-2008 01:53
Looks like it should be in an ad!
Cindi Smith22-Jan-2008 01:07
Brush those teeth now!!!
Michel Jasmin21-Jan-2008 23:41
It most be Crest :-)
Very well done
Guest 21-Jan-2008 22:46
original shot. excellent
Guest 21-Jan-2008 22:34
Great DoF and bokeh.
Phillip Normanton21-Jan-2008 21:47
Brilliant shot!!!!! - but, green toothpaste... with bits in...? Hmmmm. lol :-)
Silvia Roitman21-Jan-2008 20:27
superb!great idea!
Guest 21-Jan-2008 20:04
opssss, Fantastic shot!! VOTED
Bob B.21-Jan-2008 20:04
Nice picture!
jlm21-Jan-2008 19:43
Excellent !!!!
Carolyn Rasmussen21-Jan-2008 19:33
Brush those cares away! Super shot!
PauloCGama21-Jan-2008 18:59
simple and fabulous.
Ray :)21-Jan-2008 18:29
Fabulous, especially the green!
veraferia21-Jan-2008 17:52
Great shot!V
Guenter Eh21-Jan-2008 17:28
WOW - that`s fabulous Michael!
Barbara Heide21-Jan-2008 17:24
very good! !*
Guest 21-Jan-2008 17:22
1 of the best macros ive seen for ages. V!
Nancy Lobaugh21-Jan-2008 17:21
oooohhh... nice!
Paco López21-Jan-2008 17:19
Excellent macro!!! V!
Guest 21-Jan-2008 17:01
great macro capture ! V
Russ Rose21-Jan-2008 17:01
Nice shot, good dof. Interesting subject. good morning.
Apostolos Tikopoulos21-Jan-2008 16:43
Wonderful macro and great details. V.
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