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Michael Shpuntov | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portfolio > Reflections
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Guest 09-Aug-2009 22:46
Wonderful ! V
William04-Oct-2008 01:19
Love it!
Thomas21-Sep-2008 15:56
Just brilliant!
cits_4_pets27-Jul-2008 03:29
Super reflection, contrast & composition. Caugh my eye immediatly.v
George V'Myer14-Jul-2008 05:00
Brilliant and strong B&W image.
Jim Ross26-May-2006 20:47
Superb.... Great reflections...
David Clunas05-May-2006 07:39
Nice strong image
Pedro Libório30-Apr-2006 19:02
lovely done.
Laura Milholland17-Apr-2006 02:42
Beautiful! Not often we find an almost mirror reflection - well done.
Buz Kiefer14-Apr-2006 01:31
Wonderful shot and converted very well.
SRW12-Apr-2006 15:47
lou_rozensteins12-Apr-2006 09:36
Makes an excellent b & w shot. Voted!
henrywong12-Apr-2006 08:01
excellent shot !
George Christakos12-Apr-2006 07:20
Superb beauty and minimalism. My vote.
Squared C12-Apr-2006 04:44
This is beautiful!
Guest 12-Apr-2006 01:29
Very impressive reflection. Great compo.
Bob B.12-Apr-2006 01:02
Great shot! Great composition.
Guest 12-Apr-2006 00:54
an amazing reflection!
Guest 12-Apr-2006 00:15
love the reflections
lgprice12-Apr-2006 00:12
nice composition. I like the simplicity
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