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B&W Portraits

g3/34/521334/3/54787433.DSC01440Lukasaddednoise.jpg Waiter Waiting Cameraman in the Cold Mother with Child at the Market
Tourist taking a Picture of Cologne Cathedral Journey Through Beggar Woman Leisure at it's Best
Beggar Woman at Cologne Cathedral Beggar Woman at Cologne Cathedral Passion Sea Bear
Restaurator at Locronon Homeless at Cologne Cathedral Behind the Cam I Behind the Cam II
Street Portrait v3/34/521334/3/49717360._DSC3994cropBW.jpg Alexandra The last 300 meters
Little girl in a streetcar, just after being told by her mother to shut up At the Museum _DSC6362 2006-02-23 Pbase.jpg At the Museum
Street Portrait No Sun She's a Nikonian Street Portrait of a Woman from Spain
g3/34/521334/3/54937500._DSC6523BWCropframedPbase20060208.jpg Street Portrait of Giovana from Brasil Warming Up Claudia
Chrissi and Claudia g3/34/521334/3/55729828._DSC6711framed.jpg Windy Double Bass on his Way to Work
Street Portrait Two Expressions (Street Portrait) Cologne Carnival: Geisterzug Street Portrait
Palermo Sun Sicily - Paintress in the cloister of the Duomo di Monreale Annika Paco
Taking Pictures Streetpainting Artist Make Up g5/34/521334/3/67775010.7LbNo2CB.jpg
Guard Volatile Encounter Waiting Sharing
Street Portrait Heavy Load Somaya at her market stand in Arles Venice Carnival 2008
Coffee Break Under Construction Climbing Streetpainting
Climbing Bride on the Bridge Bride in the Fountain g3/34/521334/3/96778223.msImF0T4.jpg
Corpus Christi Procession in Cologne Climbing Michaela Daria III
Daria IV Camera Woman Maquillage III Street Portrait
Running Céline of the Ecomusée d'Alsace g1/34/521334/3/104817426.ZX21qzTC.jpg