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Michael Anton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> IBON AT KAPE - PILIPINAS (Birds/Wildlife) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Got interested in bird photography Jan. 2011. Here are my photos so far...

Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos/Alphabetical)
Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos/Alphabetical)
Birds by Location
Birds by Location
My Favorites
My Favorites
Pawikan (Marine Turtles)
Pawikan (Marine Turtles)
Other Wildlife
Other Wildlife
Birding Sorties
Birding Sorties
Owl Published
Owl Published
Michael Anton
Michael Anton
Northern Sooty Woodpeckers Published
Northern Sooty Woodpeckers Published
MY photo of Green Racquet-tails on the souvenir program of the 10th Philippine Bird Festival
MY photo of Green Racquet-tails on the souvenir program of the 10th Philippine Bird Festival
My photo on the cover of Anvaya Cove field guide.
My photo on the cover of Anvaya Cove field guide.