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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > Cataraqui River Sunrise 20070502
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Cataraqui River Sunrise 20070502

Photographed near Kingston, Ontario Canada.

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2
1/125s f/6.3 at 29.1mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 09-Jan-2011 12:55
Like a heaven! ++++
Guest 16-May-2007 22:38
love the reflection and the colors... Such a tranquil morning
Guest 13-May-2007 14:25
Guest 08-May-2007 01:13
Very peacefull scene with wonderfull colors. voted
Rosemarie Kusserow07-May-2007 11:59
Beautiful colors, I like it a lot, vote, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 03-May-2007 14:45
Fantastic color and reflections... beautiful work!V
Katie Chew02-May-2007 20:58
Beautiful! V
karlakelly02-May-2007 17:21
Love the colours and the softness in the image. V.
Guest 02-May-2007 13:57
Nice work...
Herb 02-May-2007 13:56
Nice image
akleja02-May-2007 13:17
FAbulous! Big vote!