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Gordon W | profile | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Birds Gallery >> Birds by Location >> Birds of the US Southwest >> Raptors of the US Southwest tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Raptors of the US Southwest

American Kestrel Closeup 83639 American Kestrel Closeup 83645 American Kestrel Closeup 84972 Barn Owl 74693
Barn Owl 74697 Barn Owl 74708 Barn Owl 74733 Barn Owl Screeching 75677
Barn Owl With Lunch 20080306 Dirty Beak 74796 Ferruginous Hawk Closeup 20071126 Ferruginous Hawk 74767
Great Horned Owl Lunch Gallery (Not for the squeamish or mouse-lovers)
<< Great Horned Owl Lunch Gallery (Not for the squeamish or mouse-lovers) >>
Great Horned Owl 75097 Great Horned Owl Closeup 75080 Harris's Hawk 75213
Harris's Hawk 75217 Harris's Hawk 75244 Harris's Hawk Closeup 76721 Harris's Hawk Closeup 20080219
Harris's Hawk In Flight 75205 Hawk On A Wire 86088 Horned Owl Takeoff 75060 Raptor On A Nest 20071231
Western Screech Owl 86074 Western Screech Owl 87524 Young Red-Tailed Hawk? Barn Owl Portrait 75684
Barn Owl With Lunch 74741 Hawk In Flight 86829 Harris's Hawk 75229 Great Horned Owl Spreading Wings 75036