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Cat show in Järvenpää, Finland - Oct. 29.-30, 2005

Boogie (Amante's Boogie-Woogie) gained his last CACE and is now European Champion!! Boogie's father Cedi ( EC Cedrik Siberian Star) was nominated on Sunday, also Amante's Fingal (Aslak) from Amante's litter F (Cedi's grandson) was nominated on Saturday. Boogie's daughter Igora Damisela also presented Siberian kittens in the final panel on Saturday. Punkku ( Amante's Bolero) got his CAGCIB, Tassya ( IP Fantasia Ionessi) her CAGPIB, and the young girls Charisma ( Sibaris Charisma Dostoyanie Sibiri) and Izzi (Izida von der Goldenen Sima) their Ex1. Aslak's brother Figaro and Fidelio also participated and Fidelio(Pessi) got Ex1 and BIV and Figo Ex1. This show was huge: on Saturday over 750 cats and on Sunday over 550 cats. Some of Cedi's pictures by Tessaliina Rissanen -some of Figo+Aslak pictures by Tytti Kettunen,some of Boogie's pictures by Heli Matero and Hulk's and Pessi's pictures by Erika Hakoniemi. --- My cattery page/kasvattajasivut: --- --------
New European Chamion !!
New European Chamion !!
WOW  Yamm!! THAT did taste good!!!
WOW Yamm!! THAT did taste good!!!
Well earned sleep!
Well earned sleep!
Still having a party???
Still having a party???
I don't care of EC or whatever....
I don't care of EC or whatever....
Cedi in the final panel...
Cedi in the final panel...
Cedi's own judge Annelie Persson taking a look.
Cedi's "own" judge Annelie Persson taking a look.
Cedi and steward Varpu
Cedi and steward Varpu
Varpu presenting Cedi to the judges...
Varpu presenting Cedi to the judges...
What a heavy piece of cat!!
What a heavy piece of cat!!
Here I am...
Here I am...
Still taking pictures?
Still taking pictures?
Bjarne Wikström trying to lift me!!
Bjarne Wikström trying to lift me!!
Don't you like my head?
Don't you like my head?
A bit similar body structure like mine ... Hmmm...
A bit similar body structure like mine ... Hmmm...
She  does not like me, so better turn my back to her...
She does not like me, so better turn my back to her...
v3/47/7947/3/51760553.CediTP.jpg v3/47/7947/3/51760568.cedi_panel301005c.jpg
v3/47/7947/3/51760569.cedi_panel30105e.jpg Who are you???
Who are you???
Varpu is my old friend!!
Varpu is my old friend!!
Annelie Persson again.
Annelie Persson again.
Aslak - Amante's Fingal  3 months - first show and nominated for BIS
Aslak - Amante's Fingal 3 months - first show and nominated for BIS
Aslakin ensimmäinen näyttely ja paneelipaikka.
Aslakin ensimmäinen näyttely ja paneelipaikka.
What are you measuring?
What are you measuring?
Kaikki ne sitten haluavat nostella ja katsella, outo paikka!
Kaikki ne sitten haluavat nostella ja katsella, outo paikka!
Hmm.... kovasti ovat kiinnostuneita!
Hmm.... kovasti ovat kiinnostuneita!
Vois nostaa vähän nätimminkin!
Vois nostaa vähän nätimminkin!
Charisma and Izzi - already used to the show business
Charisma and Izzi - already used to the show business
Both girls got their Ex1 and rosettes.
Both girls got their Ex1 and rosettes.
Izzi ( in the background) and Charisma
Izzi ( in the background) and Charisma
Aslak and brother Figo ( Amante's Figaro) - owner: Tytti kettunen
Aslak and brother Figo ( Amante's Figaro) - owner: Tytti kettunen
Both boys also got their Ex1 and Aslak was NOM BIS
Both boys also got their Ex1 and Aslak was NOM BIS
Look what I've got!  - Aslak with his club trophy for NOM kittens and rosette.
Look what I've got! - Aslak with his club trophy for NOM kittens and rosette.
Figo and his new rosette.
Figo and his new rosette.
Amante's Fidelio aka Pessi - Ex 1 and BIV
Amante's Fidelio aka Pessi - Ex 1 and BIV
Pessi and dad Hulk - Taimyrin Aristoteles
Pessi and dad Hulk - Taimyrin Aristoteles
Pessi posing with dad Hulk, who got his CAGCIB
Pessi posing with dad Hulk, who got his CAGCIB
Cashmir - Charisma's brother was also there. Owner: Suvi Korpela
Cashmir - Charisma's brother was also there. Owner: Suvi Korpela
Siestadream Attila -  Charisma's cousin - Owner: Tessaliina Rissanen
Siestadream Attila - Charisma's cousin - Owner: Tessaliina Rissanen
Attila - also Ex1 in class 11.
Attila - also Ex1 in class 11.