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International Cat Show in Vantaa/Finland August 25, 2007

Kuvia RUROKin kans.väl. kissanäyttelystä Vantaalla 25.08.2007. Kasvattajasivut/cattery page --- Site Meter
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
Eemil - Boogie's friend
Eemil - Boogie's friend
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
PR/EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
Boogie nominated for BIS panel
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi (Boogie's daugther)
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi (Boogie's daugther)
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
CH Amante's Habanera - Helmi
Amante's Imperator - Pera
Amante's Imperator - Pera
Amante's Imperator - Pera
Amante's Imperator - Pera
Amante's Imperator - Pera
Amante's Imperator - Pera
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Fidelio - Pessi
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito (Boogie's son)
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito (Boogie's son)
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito  and CH Amante's Hard Rock - Jon (Boogie's sons)
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito and CH Amante's Hard Rock - Jon (Boogie's sons)
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito  and CH Amante's Hard Rock - Jon
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito and CH Amante's Hard Rock - Jon
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito  and CH Amante's Hard Rock - Jon
CH Amante's Hip Hop - Vito and CH Amante's Hard Rock - Jon
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti (Boogie's son)
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti (Boogie's son)
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti NOM - TP
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti NOM - TP
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti NOM - TP
CH Taimyrin Bastion - Basti NOM - TP
GIC Taimyrin Aristoteles - Hulk ( Pessi's father)
GIC Taimyrin Aristoteles - Hulk ( Pessi's father)
GIC Taimyrin Aristoteles - Hulk
GIC Taimyrin Aristoteles - Hulk
GIC Taimyrin Aristoteles - Hulk
GIC Taimyrin Aristoteles - Hulk
CH Siperiankulta Ootzatootsie  Tuutti NOM - TP
CH Siperiankulta Ootzatootsie "Tuutti" NOM - TP
CHSiperiankulta Ootzatootsie  Tuutti  NOM - TP
CHSiperiankulta Ootzatootsie "Tuutti" NOM - TP