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Happy Easter! - Iloista pääsiäistä!

Amante's litter D is one week old and wishes all Happy Easter! Amante's -D-pentue on viikon ikäinen ja toivottaa kaikille iloista pääsiäistä! Lisää siperiankissanpennuista - More about the Siberian kittens -
u43/merjatee/medium/27821406.eastercard.jpg u43/merjatee/medium/27821405.easter6.jpg Classic tabby boy
Classic tabby boy
Torbie girl
Torbie girl
Two kittens playing
Two kittens playing
Mom Siiri is busy, the kittens are moving around!
Mom Siiri is busy, the kittens are moving around!
Just stay there now!
Just stay there now!
Finally Siiri can relax:-)
Finally Siiri can relax:-)
After lunch is napping time.
After lunch is napping time.
Brown girl and stretching exercises
Brown girl and stretching exercises
Paws and heads - Päitä ja tassuja.
Paws and heads - Päitä ja tassuja.
u43/merjatee/medium/27821397.dpennut8p8.jpg Big yawning - time to go!
Big yawning - time to go!