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Tom Merigan | profile | all galleries >> Seedeaters-Sparrows,Finches,Towhees, Juncos,Grosbeaks,Buntings,Siskins.Saltators,Longspurs >> Sparrows including Longspurs,Saltators >> Longspurs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Lapland Longspur with berry
Lapland Longspur with berry
Lapland Longspur with berry
Lapland Longspur with berry
Lapland Longspur with berry
Lapland Longspur with berry
Lapland Lonspur
Lapland Lonspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur speaks
Lapland Longspur speaks
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur in breeding plumage
Lapland Longspur in breeding plumage
McCown's Longspur
McCown's Longspur
McCown's Longspur
McCown's Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur