Central Florida with Jim Neiger and his Flight School,2007
Here I not only saw and photographed many Ospreys and Florida specalities but learned Jim's special approachs to attracting birds with calls and bird flight photography with a relatively heavy hand supported 500mm lens with an autofocusing image stabilized digital camera.
Sunrise over Lake Blue Cypress with Osprey
Channel by which our boat went from the Marina to Lake Blue Cypress
Osprey speaks
Osprey in Flight
Osprey Eats Fish
Osprey Looks
Osprey with meal
Three Ospreys
Osprey with fish
Osprey with fish tail
Osprey with Fish
Ospey with fish tail
Osprey with Fish
Osprey Landing
Osprey in Flight
Osprey in Flight
Osprey in Flight
Osprey in Flight
Osprey in Flight
Osprey in Flight with nest material
Osprey in Flight
1.Watch the eyes of this Osprey in this 4 picture serial sequence taken in a minute
2.He watches me
3.Note his eyes stay on me
4. Here as he turns his eyes have not left me
1.Nest with Mom feeding one of the 3 chicks and Dad watching
Nice photos - I'll be attending one of Jim's workshops next year and am looking forward to it. Looks like you've been to lots of cool workshops, I've been thinking about the Michigan loon workshop too!