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Andrew Stephens | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Close-up shots of the angels in the ancient 'angel roof', St Andrew's, Isleham. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Close-up shots of the angels in the ancient 'angel roof', St Andrew's, Isleham.

These wide angle pictures were taken by Andrew Stephens from floor level.
The close-up pictures were taken by Hugh Harrison from a cherry picker during the restoration of the roof in 2004.
Click on a thumbnail image to view a larger version of a picture.
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85. Bay 1 south. Sponge.JPG
85. Bay 1 south. Sponge.JPG
86. Wallplate Angel, Bay 1 south.JPG
86. Wallplate Angel, Bay 1 south.JPG
87. Bay 2 South. Dice.JPG
87. Bay 2 South. Dice.JPG
88. Wallplate Angel, Bay 2 south.JPG
88. Wallplate Angel, Bay 2 south.JPG
89. Bay 3 South.  Flail.JPG
89. Bay 3 South. Flail.JPG
90. Wallplate Angel, Bay 3 south.JPG
90. Wallplate Angel, Bay 3 south.JPG
91. Bay 4 South. Pincers .JPG
91. Bay 4 South. Pincers .JPG
92. Wallplate Angel, Bay 4 south.JPG
92. Wallplate Angel, Bay 4 south.JPG
93. Bay 5 South. Cross.JPG
93. Bay 5 South. Cross.JPG
94.Wallplate Angel, Bay 5 south.JPG
94.Wallplate Angel, Bay 5 south.JPG
95. Bay 1 North. Spear.JPG
95. Bay 1 North. Spear.JPG
96.Wallplate Angel, Bay 1 north.JPG
96.Wallplate Angel, Bay 1 north.JPG
97. Bay 2 North. Column.JPG
97. Bay 2 North. Column.JPG
98.Wallplate Angel, Bay 4 north.JPG
98.Wallplate Angel, Bay 4 north.JPG
99. Bay 3 North. Crown of thorns.JPG
99. Bay 3 North. Crown of thorns.JPG
100. Wallplate Angel, Bay 3 north.JPG
100. Wallplate Angel, Bay 3 north.JPG
101. Bay 4 North. Nails.JPG
101. Bay 4 North. Nails.JPG
102. Wallplate Angel, Bay4 north.JPG
102. Wallplate Angel, Bay4 north.JPG
103. Bay 5 North. Mallet.jpg
103. Bay 5 North. Mallet.jpg
104. Wallplate Angel, Bay 5 north.JPG
104. Wallplate Angel, Bay 5 north.JPG
105.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 1 south.JPG
105.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 1 south.JPG
106.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 1 north.JPG
106.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 1 north.JPG
107.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 2 south.JPG
107.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 2 south.JPG
108.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 2 north.JPG
108.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 2 north.JPG
109.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 3 south.JPG
109.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 3 south.JPG
110.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 3 north.JPG
110.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 3 north.JPG
111.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 4 south.JPG
111.Hammerbeam Angel from above, Bay 4 south.JPG
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