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Marcel de Jong | all galleries >> themes >> city_scapes > Perth Skyline - Pano 1
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Perth Skyline - Pano 1

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Brijesh Maini 02-Jul-2009 04:35
Its awesome! How do you manage all this so beautifully! All i can say its just Mind blowing. i personally love to look at your amazing pics! Good going mate!
j 07-Nov-2007 00:45
Your photos are great , we lived in perth for a year and they re really recalling memories - are any of these available to buy ? thanks J
Guest 19-Mar-2007 14:54
The first photo I open...and I'm already homesick! Perth is a wonderful beautiful city and you've captured its spirit exquisitely!
Guest 28-Jan-2007 04:55
Great skyline I have even seen
Stephen Hall18-Nov-2006 03:39
Outstanding pano!!! Reminds me of Ken Duncan's pano work!!! (v) SH
Guest 23-Oct-2006 10:00
Marcel, Your pcitures look great i also love to create Panormas but have not displayed them in pbase as well as you have. I hope when i visit Perth in Januray 2007 that I can capture 10% of what you have managed.
Guest 11-Sep-2006 11:07
Hi These photos are gorgeous, I would maybe like to use one of the Perth Skyline photos in a website if you could email me
Jithin S 19-May-2006 12:32
You have got the best photos of perth city which i have seen till now. really wonderfull photos....
I am looking to cover perth city from all angles posible as a small project. It will be a gre
at help if you can help me with few suggestion. My email id is
Guest 02-Apr-2006 17:55
Great Panoramic Shot!
Darrin Harris Frisby09-Oct-2005 14:26
Amazing MAcel - Can you opst the EXIF data onthe image and the details of the camera Used?
Cathy Schneider 01-Sep-2005 09:11
Hi Marcel,
Would you be kind enough to get in contact with me straight away regarding using this fabulous panorama. My email address is
Thanks so much
nomada17-Aug-2005 15:34
Awesome panorama. Beautiful light. Thanks for sharing Marcel