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Margaret Lew | profile | all galleries >> Italia - Italy 2007 >> Venezia - Venice I tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Venezia - Venice I

View from Crazy Bar  0370
View from Crazy Bar 0370
Quiet canal in Castello  0332
Quiet canal in Castello 0332
Castello canal 0343
Castello canal 0343
Golden Murano chandelier   0344
Golden Murano chandelier 0344
Modern Venetian glass  0345
Modern Venetian glass 0345
Jewel-like chandelier  0346
Jewel-like chandelier 0346
On the Rio di Palazzo della Canonica  0348
On the Rio di Palazzo della Canonica 0348
Gondola on Rio di Palazzo della Canonica  0349
Gondola on Rio di Palazzo della Canonica 0349
Out to lunch    0350
Out to lunch 0350
Piazzetta dei leoncini  0356
Piazzetta dei leoncini 0356
Mosaic, facade of  Basilica San Marco  0357
Mosaic, facade of Basilica San Marco 0357
Pigeon, water carrier, red columns  0358
Pigeon, water carrier, red columns 0358
Pigeons and friends   0535
Pigeons and friends 0535
Bridge in Castello  0361
Bridge in Castello 0361
On the Fondamenta San Severo  0364
On the Fondamenta San Severo 0364
Rio di San Severo 0369
Rio di San Severo 0369
Dolphin doorknocker  0370
Dolphin doorknocker 0370
Lion doorknocker  0380
Lion doorknocker 0380
Hanging out on Campo Piovan  0381
Hanging out on Campo Piovan 0381
Campo Piovan 0382
Campo Piovan 0382
Mail in slot  0383
Mail in slot 0383
Foggy afternoon  0388
Foggy afternoon 0388
Capturing the moment 0391
Capturing the moment 0391
Gondolas on Riva degli Sciavoni  0394
Gondolas on Riva degli Sciavoni 0394
Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore 0399
Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore 0399
Sunlight through the fog  0400
Sunlight through the fog 0400
Coming home 0415
Coming home 0415
On the Lagoon0438new
On the Lagoon