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Margaret Lew | all galleries >> Italia - Italy 2008 >> Oltrarno -- Firenze - Florence > The Deposition by Pontormo (1525-28)
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The Deposition by Pontormo (1525-28)

Oltrarno, Firenze (Florence)

With a history dating to the 4th century, Chiesa di Santa Felicità

is probably the oldest established church in the city. In the 16th Century

it was the court church of the Medici Grand Duke. Parts of the church are

incorporated into the famous Corridoio Vasariani which runs from the Uffizi

across the Ponte Vecchio to the Palazzo Pitti.

Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/3s f/2.8 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Karen Mickleson15-Mar-2008 20:49
Beautiful! I think your indoor shots are fabulous. Did you adjust it when you shot these?
Mary Ann Campbell15-Mar-2008 03:59
This painter is very unfamiliar to me; not like anything I know.