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McGarva | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aberdeen (18 Galleries) > Light Painting
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18-Sep-13 McGarva

Light Painting

Aberdeen, Scotland

Sunrise on Aberdeen beach Scotland
The golden beams of light from the sunrise painted the foreground beautifully

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Oct-2013 17:24
HOT colors! BV
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE307-Oct-2013 18:32
This is a fantastic capture. V
Bill Paige03-Oct-2013 00:44
Nice one...
tinkerb01-Oct-2013 21:36
Perfect timing and positioning even down to the supply vessel stranded on the groyne. V
J. Scott Coile30-Sep-2013 20:34
WOW. Off the chart.
Stephanie30-Sep-2013 12:23
Stunning lighting and shadow play! BV
Robbie D7029-Sep-2013 19:55
Wow ! lovely photography.
Raf28-Sep-2013 20:10
Gorgeous sunrise. Looks like the poles are telling a story. V
FTRphotography28-Sep-2013 14:42
Nice compositions and light!
Robert Strachan27-Sep-2013 22:49
Stunning image again, Tony
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE327-Sep-2013 20:00
I love this one. V
Johnny JAG27-Sep-2013 19:52
Stunning image
Mary Bowles27-Sep-2013 16:57
Just superb.
A stunning image which raises the hackles deliciously.
Peter Stubley27-Sep-2013 16:50
Very nice indeed.
fotabug27-Sep-2013 16:47
Wow, that is awesome! I love the early morning and sunrises! Your image was well worth anything you had to do to be out there! V
Photo.Keely27-Sep-2013 16:27
Nice work! Well done! V.
danad27-Sep-2013 16:25
A beautiful image with these stripes of golden light and shadows. V.
joseantonio27-Sep-2013 16:25
The light and perspective in this image is really great.V.
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