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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2011 - A Year of images! > Reflective Blues!
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20-Mar-2011 McGarva

Reflective Blues!

Aberdeen, Scotland

End of day image from a warm Spring like weekend
It is usually nice to have some focal point but this image
summed up the tranquil feeling of the beach after a bustling day

More from the weekend

More of Aberdeen at

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)05-Oct-2011 11:56
Excellent in every respect! Vote
tinkerb25-Mar-2011 22:25
Gorgeous light and colour, love the expanse of the beach
Doug Cruden22-Mar-2011 19:41
This is gorgeous - the layers of blue with the subtle orange on the horizon is just lovely! Cracking shot Tony!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther22-Mar-2011 15:53
Just fantastic! V
Kevin Chester22-Mar-2011 12:32
For a simple shot this has got some major wow factor
eleanorv22-Mar-2011 01:08
Soothing indeed.
J. Scott Coile21-Mar-2011 23:53
Stewart Mitchell21-Mar-2011 22:33
Cool soft reflections in the sand, make this a bit special
Mairéad21-Mar-2011 21:58
Very peaceful indeed with those moody blues and warm streak.
Patricia Kay21-Mar-2011 21:35
Wonderful colors and a tranquil it Tony...BV
Milos Markovic21-Mar-2011 21:17
Phillip Normanton21-Mar-2011 20:48
Mmm yes, silky soft :o)
Guest 21-Mar-2011 20:07
Fabulous capture. Spectacular.
Colin Storey21-Mar-2011 19:50
Love the softness and colours of the water.
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